🖤1~ Beneath the mask🧡

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Hiya! So ima be doing an October writing challenge as Halloween is my favourite holiday!! This means there will hopefully be a new chapter each day! Most of the prompts will be halloween themed- not all. Lets see how long I can keep this consistent! 😅

~October 1st 2020~

Tw: crying, mentions of blood and injuries. (please tell me if I missed anything.)
Au: Human?
Words: 1800

Remus shivered as the icy cold night air hit him. The holes in his now ragged and torn clothes not helping at all. He grumbled to himself as he looked around desperately for anything he could recognise. But alas, nothing. As much as the trashy man hated to admit it, he was lost.

After a while of walking further into the dark and dingy forest, a small, dim light shone between the decaying tree branches. A slither of hope overcame Remus as he walked a little faster towards the light. As he got closer, he could make out the silhouette of a person. They were holding a small lantern that looked as if it was ready to go out.

Remus carefully made his way closer to the figure and only then was he able to make out some of their features. The man holding the lantern looked around Remus' age; he had a cloak over his shoulders, Victorian style clothing which Remus found undeniably attractive and what looked like a mask covering one side of his face. Remus had spent a while staring at the man so he didn't notice as the classy figure turned to look directly at him.

"What are you doing here?" The mans voice was demanding yet laced with concern. He lifted the lantern up slightly to get a better look at Remus, frowning when he saw the state of him. Moving the lantern slowly, he studied the scratches and bruises that covered Remus' arms, as well as what could be seen through the rips in his clothing.

"I-I'm lost. I don't want to be a burden or anythin' but-" Remus winced and held onto his injured leg, holding back a whimper. "-is there any way you could maybe help me?"

The man sighed almost silently and walked over to Remus, wrapping an arm gently around his waist to help him walk. Thank goodness it was dark otherwise the man might've seen a light blush spread across Remus' cheeks.  They walked through the forest for a few minutes, Remus clinging onto the stranger as they neared a beautiful historical looking castle.

After being led through the dimly lit corridors, Remus found himself being led on a silky black sofa, not even remembering entering the room. "Don't move. I'll be right back with sssome first aid things." The stranger made sure Remus seemed as comfortable as he could be before turning around sharply and exiting the room, his cape flowing as he walked.

Remus let himself get lost in thought to ignore the sharp pains coursing through his body. Where was he? Was he going to get trapped here? Did he mind that-? Was he going to get murdered?
Then- a thought hit him, overshadowing the others that clouded his strange mind.

Did that guy just hiss? Like- a snake? Maybe that's why half of his face was covered. Maybe he'd been bitten by a snake and had a horrific and bloody scar?! But why would he be hissing? Remus knew he wanted to see what was under the mask but he also knew something else. There was no way that the man would show his face to someone he just met. I mean, he has a mask for a reason.

"You sseem to get lost in thought a lot."

The voice snapped Remus out of his thoughts and he looked up, smiling slightly as the man walked over to him, first aid kit in hand. "Yeah. S-Sorry about that." Remus sighed as he stuttering kicked in again. He shivered.

"Here, take this." The man handed Remus a fluffy yellow blanket which was hesitantly accepted after many protests.

"I d-don't wanna get blood on it-"

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