🖤5~ Cheating?🧡

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Me after seeing this prompt: well poopy- :(

Tw: crying, shouting, swearing (please tell me if I missed anything.)
Au: X
Words: 1454

October 5th 2020
26 days until Halloween

Remus bit his lip as he scrolled through emails on his laptop, glancing over at the time. "Janus should be home by now..." He mumbled to himself, trying to distract himself once again from the fact that his boyfriend was late home.

Once he'd replied to all the emails, most random stuff from his coworkers about how shitty their job was, not that Remus could disagree. Sighing, he closed his laptop and set it down on the sofa before making his way into the kitchen where his phone was charging.

One new message:
JayJay 💛: hey, honey. i'm sorry that i'm late home, there's been some incident at work that i need to sort out.

As he read the message, Remus felt his anxiety creeping inside him. Incident? What did that mean? Was Janus okay? He shook his head to rid of the thoughts and began typing a response.

that's okay, sweetheart! as long as you're okay, i'll be fine waiting for ya :)

Seconds later, Remus received a response. He sat himself on the counter as he read, finding himself biting his lip again.

JayJay 💛: that's good. i'm fine by the way. also, if you receive messages from any unknown numbers, please ignore them. i love you! <3

Remus tilted his head, confused. What did that mean? Why would he get messages from an unknown number? Despite his confusion, Remus decided to agree. However, if he did receive such messages, he couldn't actually promise not to check them out.

Before he could type a message back, his phone pinged again.

One new message:
Unknown Number: Hi! I just wanted to let you know that Janus has been cheating on you with me sooo yeah that must suck for youuuu!!! 😂😘

Remus felt his breath hitch in his throat and not in the good way. There was no way this could be true... could it? No. Janus wouldn't do that. There was no way in hell that Janus would do this.

No matter how much Remus tried to ignore the message, he just couldn't.

who the hell is this??

Instant response.

Unknown Number: Some guy from his work! I gotta say, he is hot 🥵

As tears started to form in his eyes, Remus slammed his phone down onto the counter, not wanting to look at it. This can't be true... it just can't. He paced around the kitchen, his hands shaking slightly from his anxiety building up. He needed someone to calm him down. Janus? No... not right now. He needed someone else.

After a few moments of consideration, he waved his hand, making Roman appear in front of him. The prince-like side jolted slightly and looked over at his brother, quickly coughing and fixing his sash as if nothing had happened. "Jeez, bro, you scared me!" Roman huffed and hastily put his phone in his pocket.

Despite seeing this, Remus chose to ignore it, sighing as Roman was yet to notice that he was upset. "What did you n- oh my stars! Are you crying?" Roman gasped, looking into his brothers eyes. "Oh.. you are crying." He mumbled almost to himself, Remus heard this.

"Yeah. Y'know what... I don't even know why I summoned you. You most likely don't give a shit anyway." Remus growled and walked over to his phone, sighing as he picked it up again. "Shit. I cracked it." He hit his head against the counter in frustration and tried to turn his phone back on, running his fingers through his hair to try and calm himself.

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