❥Protective (+Q&A)

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Tw: swearing, mentions of a past abusive relationship, anxiety, mentions of murder (please tell me if I missed anything!)
Au: human
Requested by: @Cross1237
Words: 1455

Remus checked his phone for the tenth time, aimlessly scrolling through the home screen as he waited. The sound of a door opening and closing again brought his attention back to the house in front of him. That's when he saw him.

"Hey, Rem." Janus walked over to his boyfriend and leaned up to kiss his cheek, smirking as he realised what Remus was staring at. Remus stuttered as he stared at the smooth black skirt Janus was wearing along with a cropped yellow shirt.

"Holy shit, look beautiful-" He muttered not realising that he'd said it out loud. Janus giggled and looked into Remus' eyes which were not so subtly travelling down.

The wind was gentle which was a good thing for someone who's wearing a skirt, it blew refreshing air past the couple as they walked to the park. Remus had his arm around Janus' waist protectively, he knew that some people won't like the way that his boyfriends dressed, not that either of them cared. However, something that Remus did care about was the people who'd like it a little too much.

There weren't many people at the park which was definitely a good thing. They walked over to a bench at the far end of the fountain, Janus biting at the sleeve of the jacket he was wearing. He'd put it on halfway through their walk. It only took a few people looking at him to make him self conscious, something that he was desperately trying to change.

Remus looked over at him and shuffled closer, recognising the biting as a sign of anxiety. He knew that whenever Jan got anxious or nervous, he would bite the nearest thing wether it be his hand, fingers, lip or clothing, most commonly sleeves. Sometimes he would bite either Remus' shirt or finger to comfort himself not that Rem minded. He genuinely found it adorable.

"Are you okay, honey?" Remus pressed a quick kiss to Janus' forehead, smiling as he saw his worried expression start to fade.

Janus nodded and rested his head on Remus' shoulder, not wanting to ruin the calm atmosphere. "Yeah, i'm okay! Just a bit thirsty." Janus replied, rolling his eyes when he saw Remus smirking. "Not that sort of thirsty, you kinky bitch!" They both laughed, nudging each other playfully.

They both looked over as the sound of children laughing and screaming came from the playground on the other side of the park. "Welp, someone's murdering children." Remus giggled, his mind wandering to all the ways said thing could play out. "Anyways! I'll go get you something to drink, are you gonna be okay staying here for a bit?" He turned his attention back to his boyfriend, leaving behind his murderous thoughts.

Janus nodded slowly and smiled as a quick kiss was pressed to his lips. "I'll be okay, thank you, love." He watched as Remus walked towards the cafè, his anxiety quickly returning.

After a few minutes, some footsteps could be heard nearing the bench. Janus looked up to see a guy, around the same age as him, maybe a bit older, walking over. He sighed, not feeling like talking to anyone apart from Remus of course.

"Hiya, gorgeous, you here by yourself?" The guy sat next to him, obviously not caring that he was making Janus uncomfortable.

Jan shuffled away from him and dug his nails into his own leg, trying to stand (or sit) his ground. "No, I'm here with my boyfriend so if you'd kindly leave me alone, that'd be great." He smiles passive aggressively, trying to be nice to the stranger.

"It sucks that you have a boyfriend." The guy sighed, looking into his eyes. If he'd stopped there and just walked away, then Janus wouldn't really have minded. But of course he didn't. "He doesn't have to know though." The stranger continued, reaching out to rest a hand on Janus' thigh.

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