
900 43 78

Tw: slight swearing, happy crying, sexual innuendos (it's Remus- what'd you expect lmao)
Au: X
Words: 1000

Janus bit his lip nervously, staring at himself in the mirror. It was the day of his and Remus' wedding and he wanted everything to be perfect for his fiancé. So if that meant Janus pushing his insecurities and anxiety right down inside him, that's what he'd do. He was wearing a suit inspired by the one he wore in 'Selfishness v Selflessness' which he had designed to look more fitting for the wedding.

He knew that Remus would love whatever Janus chose to wear but there was always that little bit of anxiety that Janus felt. But alas, that feeling was overcome by the genuine happiness and excitement he was feeling. He was marrying Remus! How could he not be overjoyed?

💗time skip brought to you by monster energy💗

"Roman, I'm nervous as fuck." Remus looked at his brother through the mirror he was standing in front of. Roman was helping his brother get ready, making sure that the Duke's dress looked perfect and obviously to help keep him calm. "You'll be okay, Rem, you look amazing." Roman replied, picking up a makeup brush and fixing Remus' eyeshadow.

Nervously, Remus nodded and admired the dress that he'd chosen. It was a dark green and black ball gown to match his theme of course. He took a deep breath and looked over at the time, playing with his hands. "Five minutes." Remus lifted his dress up
slightly as he walked and spun around carefully, giggling happily. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to be marrying Janus, he loved Jay so much, more than he could ever explain.

Soon, it was time for the ceremony. The twins sunk down and rose up in the hall. Virgil and Logan were sat next to each other, along with Patton, Thomas, basically all of Thomas' friends, Leslie Odom Jr, Eugene Lee Yang and a lot of Janus and Remus' friends.

Remus looked around and admired the decorations. Roman had of course been in charge of creating and designing the hall. There were golden and silver snakes and octopuses on the wallpaper, carved into the pillars, seats, alter, everything stuck to the theme. It was beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, Remus' eyes landed on Janus and his heart fluttered. Janus stood at the alter and smiled softly at Remus. As the gentle music started playing, Remus began walking down the isle, Roman walking by his brothers side. One of Remus' excitable friends following behind them, throwing yellow and green rose petals around expertly. Janus' heart was racing, much like it was when he proposed to Remus. Remus blushed as he neared Janus, his pace noticeably speeding up slightly to reach him faster. Roman smiled and walked over to Patton, taking a seat next to him.

Janus giggled softly and held his hands out for Remus to take, running his thumbs gently across the back of his fiancé's hands. "You look so beautiful." Janus whispered, having to stop himself from tearing up. Remus' blush deepened as he looked into Janus' eyes. "So do you, gorgeous." Remus winked and they both turned their attention to the priest as he started speaking.

"Do you Janus take Remus to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love and to honour, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him as long as you both shall live?"

Janus smiled shakily and turned back to Remus, squeezing his hand gently. "I do." Remus felt himself relax a bit at that, his blush deepening and tears pricking his eyes.

The priest said the same to Remus, The Duke replying instantly with an emotional "I do."

As they couple held back their tears of happiness, the priest smiled and spoke once again. "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groom."

Janus leaned forward and captured Remus' lips in his own, giggling into the kiss as he heard awww's and clapping from the guests. Remus cupped Jan's cheeks in his hands and felt Janus' hands hold his waist. They pulled away for air and Janus ran his fingers across Remus' dress, admiring the beautiful fabric. "I love you." He rested his forehead against Remus' kissing away his husband's tears.

Remus giggled and licked Janus' scaled cheek, wrapping his arms around the snek's neck. "I should hope so." He smirked as Janus rolled his eyes playfully. "I love you too, Jay."

time skip 🤍

Remus rested his hand on Janus' as they cut the cake, taking the chance to sneak a piece of icing onto Jan's nose. Janus blushed deeply as Remus pulled him closer by his collar, licking the icing off of his nose. "Aww, you're adorable." Remus cooed, pulling his husband into a loving kiss.

Of course, the innocent atmosphere couldn't last long. After making sure everyone had a slice of cake, Janus walked over to Remus who was spinning around in his dress. Remus looked up at him and smirked, stroking the scales on his cheek. "You look stunning in that suit, mind if I see what's underneath?~" Remus purred into his ear, feeling Janus' cheeks heat up once again.

Janus squeaked and purred, hiding his face in Remus' shoulder. "Later, darling~" He kissed Rem's neck and lifted his head up. Now it was Remus' turn to blush, The Duke licked his lips and ran his fingers across Janus' hips.

They couldn't have been happier that day, they had everything they could ever ask for. Or maybe, just maybe, there was one more addition that could be made.

hmmmm, I wonder what that addition could be 🤔🤔🤔

I hope you all liked this chapter! Another one shall be out soooon :3

I've completed one week of mock exams, just one more week to go 🙂 aha, kill me-

Anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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