
5.4K 148 88

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Au: X
Requested by VladikKotoriNeVladik
Words: 312

-I'm sorry it took so long!-

Deceit was sat on the sofa, yellow pencil in hand and his boyfriend cuddled up to him in his lap. He was trying to focus on the crossword that was set out in front of him, which was kinda hard with Remus around. But Dee didn't care. He enjoyed the company.

Remus watched as Deceit wrote something down only to erase it moments after. He relaxed as the sound of the pencil rustling on the paper continued. He could tell that his boyfriend was tired but also knew that he was determined to finish what he had started. Deceit's face was emotionless, his eyelids slowly closing as he struggled to stay focused on what he was doing.

Remus suddenly leaned forward and grabbed a green pencil, scribbling a word into some boxes. He had noticed some empty boxes that were meant to filled with the word 'classy' but Remus being the sweetheart he secretly was had written down the word, 'Deceit'. This caused Dee to blush and turn away, trying to hide the fact that Remus' actions had flustered him. But it was too late for the snek to hide, Rem had already noticed his blush and immediately peppered him with kisses only causing Deceit's blush to deepen as Remus kissed his neck.

Remus chuckled and summoned some blankets and wrapped himself and Dee up in them. They cuddled up to each other and frequently shared loving kisses, the crossword long forgotten as they just enjoyed each other's company. Deceit's smile grew as he heard soft snores coming from Remus, who had not long ago fallen asleep, a fistful of Deceit's shirt held tightly in his hand.

Sure, Deceit was classy, but he couldn't imagine a world without his trashy lover.

I hope this was good.. heh 😅

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