
994 57 63

Tw: crying, mentions of insecurity and an eating disorder, twitching and anxiety (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: human
Words: 1410

October 18th 2020
13 days until Halloween 🎃

Janus sighed as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, glancing down at his foundation. After a long staring contest with himself, Janus felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. He blinked and looked up, smiling at his boyfriend's reflection.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Remus asked, resting his chin on top of Janus' head. He could tell that Janus was anxious, which was understandable. They were going to Remus' parents house for dinner so that Janus could meet his family.

The smaller male sighed and turned around, burying his face into Remus' neck. "They're going to hate me." Janus mumbled, shivering at the thought of how this could all go wrong.

Remus frowned and lifted Janus' chin up, one hand still holding his waist. "No they won't! And you don't need this." Remus motioned a hand towards Janus' foundation. "They already know about your scars, hun."

Janus nodded slowly and looked down at his outfit, twitching uncomfortably. He didn't know if he looked okay or not. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white button up shirt under a mustard sweater, a black beanie and vans.

Noticing his boyfriend's expression, Remus picked Janus up so that Jay's legs were wrapped around his waist. Remus held him carefully and kissed him gently. Janus squeaked as he was picked up but immediately kissed back, needing the comfort. "You look beautiful." Remus whispered as they pulled away, Janus blushing lightly.

"Th-Thank you, darling." Janus took this as a chance to admire Remus' outfit. Rem was wearing black ripped jeans over fishnet tights, a dark green cropped hoodie with a chain around his neck and black platform shoes. He looked stunning. Janus realised that he'd been staring for a while and looked up at Remus who was smirking.

"Awe, you're blushing so much!" Remus giggled and kissed Janus' warm cheeks, carrying him downstairs. Janus growled and hid his face once again.

🖤time skip brought to you by me who just remembered that i haven't done my drama homework-🖤

Once they arrived at the house, Janus hid behind Remus and held onto his hand tightly. "Rem, what if they get annoyed because I don't eat a lot..?" Janus looked up at his lover, his anxiety causing his nose to twitch.

Remus smiled supportively and cupped Janus' cheeks in his hands, kissing his nose. "They won't be annoyed, sweetie, you can eat the amount that you're comfortable with." This earned Remus a smile as Janus calmed down a bit.

They walked up to the house and Remus opened the door, walking in with Janus basically glued behind him. "Hi Remus! Mother, Remus and Janus are here!" Roman yelled, sliding down the banister and running up to his brother.

A woman's voice came from the living room. "Okay, calm down, Ro. Come in boys!"

"Hiya, Roman." Remus smiled at his twin and led Janus into the living room, Roman following behind. Luckily, Janus and Roman had met before so at least that wasn't too awkward.

The twins mother was sat on the sofa, trying to complete a crossword in a magazine. She looked up and smiled at everyone, standing up to hug Remus tightly. "Oh, I missed you so much!" She let go of Remus and smiled at Janus, noticing how nervous he looked.

"I missed you too, mum." Remus turned around to look at Janus and wrapped his arms around his waist, feeling him relax.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Janus! Remus has talked about you a lot over the phone." Kate (their mother) laughed softly and closed her magazine.

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