❥In love with my best friend

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Tw: swearing, mentions of abandonment issues, Jack the Ripper and flinching (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: human
Words: 1151

Janus closed his locker and sighed quietly, resting his head on the cold metal. His next class was history. As he made his way there, many thoughts filled his head. Great. This is the class that I sit next to Remus. My dumbass best friend who I've been crushing on since I met him. This was going to be interesting as usual.

He walked into the class and rolled his eyes, groaning. Their usual teacher wasn't in so instead, they had a supply who for some reason hated Janus. Jan sat in his chair and ignored the supply, biting at the sleeve of his hoodie as he waited for Remus to arrive. Finally, Remus walked in. He ignored the group of 'popular kids' who immediately tried to talk to him and walked over to Janus.

"Finally. What took you so long? You left me alone with that bitch." Janus mumbled jokingly, glancing over at the teacher. Remus chuckled and grabbed their books from the front of the class, throwing Janus' at his face. "Sorry 'bout that, Jan, I got held up my Scott again." Remus apologised, squeaking when Janus hit him with his book. "Payback, hoe. Also, it's fine, can't believe he's still trying to get with you to be honest."

Remus nodded distractedly, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand. He knew he shouldn't stare at Janus in the middle of class, or even at all, but there was something about him that just made Remus' heart flutter. They'd been best friends for years and Remus didn't want his feelings to ruin that. He couldn't stand to lose Janus. He loved him far too much for that.

"How many victims were there again?" Janus' voice broke Remus from his thoughts. He shook his head to rid of his blush and looked into Janus' eyes, blinking. "Huh?" Janus groaned sarcastically and tapped Remus' nose, noticing that his blush deepened even more. He knew Remus had been staring, not that Jan minded. "I said how many victims were there? Y'know, Jack the Ripper."

Remus made an 'o' shape with his mouth and thought for a second. "Canonically, there were five." Janus nodded and wrote in his book, tapping his pen on Rem's book afterwards. Remus looked down and noticed that Janus had written the date, title and the answers to the starter questions in Remus' book for him. "Oh shit, thanks, Jay." How hadn't he noticed that? How long had he been staring for? Remus smiled and shuffled around in his seat, feeling the butterflies return. Janus smiled back and raised an eyebrow, deciding not to question Remus' shuffling.

"Janus get off your phone." The supply teacher looked up from his desk, staring at him. Janus inhaled deeply and looked up at the teacher, his hands on the desk. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know my book was a phone. My sincerest apologises." Remus laughed under his breath, noticing how pissed off Janus was. "Don't use that tone with me. Go stand outside."

Janus opened and closed his hand in frustration and stood up slowly, whispering in Remus' ear; "I'm gonna fucking kill that man I swear." Remus giggled and shivered, feeling Janus' breath on his neck. "Now." The teacher demanded. "Alright alright, calm down, man." Janus walked out of the class, sliding down the wall in the corridor.

A few moments later, the door opened. Janus groaned, expecting it to be the teacher. Instead, he was met with his bag being thrown in his face. "C'mon bitch, don't just sit there!" Remus held his hand out, helping Janus up. "Quick, before your best friend comes out." Remus joked, looking into the classroom before dragging Janus outside.

"You didn't have to follow me, 'Mus." Janus rested his head on Remus' shoulder. "I know, but I'm glad I did. I ain't got a clue why that guy hates you so much." Janus shrugged and hesitantly rested his hand on Remus'. They were sat behind the English block where literally no one ever went, the atmosphere was calm for once.

Remus blushed lightly as their fingers intwined, resisting the urge to kiss Janus' hair. "Can I ask you something?" Janus broke the silence after a while. "Yeah, of course." Remus replied, noticing the hint of nervousness in Jan's voice. After all the time he'd spent with Jay, he'd learned so much about him. "What's the real reason that you rejected Scott? I know you said that he isn't  your type, but I know he is." Janus looked away from his friend, closing his eyes.

After a moment, Remus replied in the soft voice he only ever used around Janus. "Because I don't like him like that. I just- I don't know. I want someone who I know will be able to deal with me. With my weird, disturbing thoughts, my inappropriate jokes, my adhd, my abandonment issues- all that shit. And I know he's not that person." Remus took a breath, rubbing his thumb gently on Janus' hand. "...but you are."

Janus opened his eyes in shock, looking up at him. Did he just say that? There's no way... oh my god. "You like me?" Janus asked quietly, still believing this was too good to be true. Remus blushed deeply and bit his lip anxiously. "Uhh, maybe- do you..?" Janus giggled softly and held his hand up before cupping Remus' cheek in his spare hand. Remus still flinched before leaning to his touch, not used to affection. "Of course I do." Janus replied, making sure to handle Remus carefully.

Janus leaned forward and Remus did the same, their lips millimetres apart. Then, Remus closed the gap between them and Jan kissed back immediately, smiling as he felt Remus' hands carefully hold his waist. Remus smirked into the kiss and pulled Janus closer, deepening the kiss slightly. They pulled away momentarily before tilting their heads and pulling each other in again. Janus caressed Rem's cheek before reluctantly pulling away.

They both panted softly and Janus pressed a kiss to Remus' nose. "So, you wanna be my boyfriend, J-anus?" Remus giggled, his confidence starting to make its return. Janus rolled his eyes playfully and sat himself in Remus' lap, squeezing his hand. "Of course, 'Mus." He smiled as Remus pulled him closer, protecting him from the cold.

Maybe being kicked out of class for something you didn't do wasn't that bad after all.

why hello there:) i'm sorry that I've been gone for a while, my mental health's beginning to go 📉 again, but ah well! i shall be okay.

i need human interaction- hi! can I get a hi back? 😭 tysm

i hope you all liked this chapter!

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haannnddsss!!

I love you all 💕

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