🖤3~ Potions🧡

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Tw: a fight, mentions of injuries, implied smut (nothing detailed though) (please tell me if I missed anything!)
Au: dragon witch au
Words: 763

October 3rd 2020
28 days until Halloween

"What was the last thing you needed me to get again, hun?" Remus leaned against the wall as he called to his boyfriend who was upstairs getting ready.

A few shuffles of paper could be heard from above as Janus looked through the potions book, grumbling impatiently to himself. "Dragon witches ssscale." Janus replied, shivering and reaching a hand up to his own scales.

"I mean- I can give you one of mine if that works?" Remus called back, smiling slightly as he finally got a chance to rest his wings which he still had despite being in his human form.

Janus quickly closed the book and walked to the top of the stairs, arms crossed. "A slain dragon witches sscale." He knew that Remus would do anything to help Jay with his plans but Janus would never let Remus get hurt. Let alone die for one.

"That could be arranged..." Remus smirked and looked up, met with his boyfriends usual concerned expression. "What? Do you know easy it would be to-"

Janus sighed, interrupting his completely insane lover. "No." He made his way down the stairs and gently ran a finger across Remus' wing, causing the taller male to shiver at the touch.

"F-Fine." Remus blushed and looked away, involuntarily leaning closer. He bit his lip and gasped softly as he felt Janus' gloved fingers holding his chin.

As Janus guided Remus' face back towards his, he leaned in and pressed their lips together. Remus of course kissed back, letting his arms slip down to hold Janus' waist. Jay smiled into the kiss and fought back the urge to pull Remus closer, pulling away very slightly. "If you come back safely with the stuff, you can have a reward~" He whispered, looking up to see his boyfriends reaction, knowing he's already a blushing mess.

Remus was indeed as red as a Solanum lycopersicum. He nodded wordlessly and pouted when Janus let him go, smirking when he remembered what Janus had promised. "Okay, Double Dee! I'll be back soooon~" He kissed Janus' forehead before spreading his wings again, figuring out a plan on the way.

small time skip 🖤

As Remus glided effortlessly through the midnight sky, he saw two dragon witches fighting below him. After watching for a few seconds, he recognised one of them.

"Roman..?" Remus mumbled as he watched his brother fight. Then he realised something; Roman was loosing. "Shit." Remus landed unsafely, not that he cared in that moment, and ran over to assist his brother. He snapped his mace into his hands and swung at the dragon witch that was attacking his brother.

This caught Roman's attention who was shakily trying to hold onto his sword despite the slash on his arm. "Remus!" Roman flinched as Viha (the other dragon witch) tried to claw his face off. Remus stepped in front of his brother and pushed Viha back, swinging his mace at their head.

Roman stepped back and held his injured arm, watching as his younger brother repeatedly swung at Viha's limbs. Then, a thud. Roman blinked and watched as Viha's body fell to the ground, a last small puff of smoke leaving them as they lay there. Dead.

A sigh of relief left both of the twins, both shaking as Remus turned to make sure Roman was okay. "You saved me." Roman heard himself say, wincing at the pain in his arm.

"Of course I did, dumbass." Remus snickered, smiling at his brother before leaning down and plucking a few scales from Viha's body. "There we go! Also." He put the scales safely in his back before rummaging around in it, pulling out a small potion.

Roman raised an eyebrow as Remus passed him the bottle, taking it cautiously. "What is it?"

Remus rolled his eyes and closed his bag, cleaning off his mace with a cloth he'd brought. "A healing potion, Ro. I thought you'd need it." He smiled kindly, almost shocked when he get a smile in return.

"Thank you, Remus."

"Yeah, yeah. No problem." Remus turned on his heels and started to make his way back home. After all, he did tell Janus he'd be back soon. He didn't wanna miss his reward.

Viha= anger/wrath in Finnish. :)

I hope this chapter was good! I actually kinda like this one for once.

Anywaysss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddss!!

Ily all! 💞

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