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Tw: mentions of [fake] blood and murder (please tell me if i missed anything!)
Au: X
Words: 847

October 14th 2020
17 days until Halloween 🎃

As Halloween was coming up, Remus decided to decorate the dark side for Janus. It also happened to be both of theirs favourite holiday. Being the amazing boyfriend he was, Remus knew what decorations Dee loved the most. The Lights.

There was something different about Halloween lights over something like Christmas lights that Janus just loved. Remus knew that both Janus and him loved anything spooky. Everything about Halloween just screamed 'dark sides' and despite being adults, they enjoyed it every year.

Remus had just gotten back from setting up all of the lights, having  only fallen off the ladder once was a record for him. He rubbed his arm and slowly opened the door to their shared bedroom. Janus was snuggled up, asleep, on Remus' side of the bed, hugging one of Rem's hoodies to his chest. "Awe." Remus whispered to himself, sitting next to his sleeping boyfriend, being careful not to wake him just yet.

Janus was known for overworking himself and Remus didn't want to wake him up the one time he'd actually taken a nap. He gently kissed Janus' forehead and snapped so a glass of water appeared, placing it on the bedside table. Remus knew that Janus could get a little jumpy and anxious after naps. The confusion of it being the same day, feeling as if you've missed something important, the weird sleepiness that still lingered. Janus had described it all to Remus before.

Remus smiled and softly played with Janus' hair, admiring his scales that were scattered around the left side of his face and down his neck. He thought they were beautiful and sometimes Jan would agree, not often. But Remus had always thought that Janus was beautiful in every way.

After around twenty minutes, Janus began to stir, grumbling to himself as he woke up, his eyes still closed. Remus giggled quietly and moved his hand away, watching as Janus opened his eyes. Janus blinked and looked up at Remus, whimpering softly as he looked at his phone. "H-How long was I asleep for?" Janus asked worriedly, holding Remus' hand for comfort.

Remus thought for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure, you were asleep when I came in and that was around twenty minutes ago. You didn't miss anything important, honey. It's okay." He sat Janus up carefully so that his back was leaning against Remus' chest, handing him the water.

Janus nodded and rested on Remus' chest, sipping the water. "Okay, thank you, love." He yawned and rubbed his eyes with his spare hand. "Gosh, I hate taking napsss." Janus sighed and drank the rest of the water, placing the empty cup back on the side.

"I know, Jay, but you needed a rest." Remus wrapped his arms around Janus' waist from behind and kissed his hair. "Ooo, I have a surprise for you by the way!"

Janus looked over his shoulder and stared into Remus' eyes which had their usual mischievous twinkle to them. "Oh god, who did you murder thisss time?" He crawled out of a pouty Remus' arms and picked up the hoodie he'd previously been cuddling, putting it on.

"I didn't kill anyone! I promise." Remus smirked, not really helping the point he was proving. At least he was being truthful- this time...

Janus rolled his eyes playfully and stood up, holding his hand out for Remus to take. "Okay, I believe you. Can I sssee the surprise now?" He tugged Remus up off the bed and giggled.

"Yeah, let's go!" Remus blushed lightly after hearing Janus giggle and leads him out of the bedroom.
As they walked down the hallway, Janus' eyes widened.

The entire downstairs area had been decorated with Halloween lights and decorations. The lights ranged from ghosts, skeletons, pumpkins, spiders and even some random yellow and green ones. Along with cobwebs, life-size skeletons, fake blood and silhouettes of murderers and ghouls lingering on some of the windows. The doorways were decorated with black fabric and everything just looked amazingly creepy.

Janus admired everything, realising how much work Remus must have put into this. "I love it so fucking much. I'm gonna cry." He blinked and hugged Remus tighter than he ever had before. "Thank you so much, sweetheart." Janus smiled as Remus hugged back, kissing Jan's forehead.

"Anything for you, baby snake. I'm glad you like it." Remus showed Janus the skeletons and told him their names to which Janus nodded and giggled happily.

They spent the rest of the evening cuddling and watching the Final Destination movies, laughing at each stupid decision characters would make.

heyo! so i actually got some sleep yesterday which is unusual! :D i do be proud of myself tho

also! one of my best friends has started writing a Sanders Sides One-Shot book so please go and check it out!
➡️ pbritton16

also! one of my best friends has started writing a Sanders Sides One-Shot book so please go and check it out! ➡️ pbritton16

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anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddss!!

I love you all! 💕

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