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Tw: crying, swearing, alcohol and cheating (please tell me if i missed anything)

Au: human

Requested by: Thelovemaria_17
(sorry that it took me so long to write this! i hope you like the way it turned out. also, i changed a few things but nothing major! :p)

Words: 1717

*hands tissues*

"I can't believe you!" Remus shouted, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. Janus flinched harshly at his boyfriend's outburst, tears welling up in the shorter man's eyes. He'd only asked a simple question. 'Where were you yesterday?' He tried to speak only to be interrupted by Remus. "Do you not trust me? Do I have to tell you everywhere I go?"

Janus attempted to wipe away his tears, not yet able to respond. "Of c-course I trust y-you. I just didn't see you at all yesterday a-and I was worried..." He stuttered, nails digging into his knuckles as he clasped his hands together. Despite knowing that Remus would never hurt him, Janus was terrified. He was terrified of Remus leaving him. Also, the yelling of course wasn't helping.

Remus took a breath and stared at the ground. He couldn't bring himself to look at Janus. "I know, but it's annoying." He winced, regretting the words as soon as they left his lips. Now, it was Janus' turn to glare, standing up from his place on the sofa. "I'm sorry, but how is me caring about you 'annoying'?! You could've been fucking kidnapped and I wouldn't know where you last were!" Remus' eye's widened. Janus had never yelled at him before, I mean, he deserved it but it took him aback.  "You're being paranoid, Jan. I was fine. I just needed space so I went out with my friends. I didn't know that it would upset you so much!"

"You're such a selfish bitch sometimes." Janus mumbled as he paced around the room. A painful silence came over the couple, Janus' eyes fixed on Remus who couldn't even look him in the eyes. Neither knew what to say, in fear of their words worsening the argument. Suddenly, what Janus had said processed in Remus' mind. How was he being selfish? Was wanting space selfish? This wasn't fair... Then, Remus spoke up, tears now collecting in his eyes. "Get out."

Janus froze, an uneasy feeling building in his stomach. "What..?" Remus turned his back to him and stared at the wall, tears now cascading down his cheeks. "Just leave, Janus. We're making this worse for each other right now..."

small time skip :'(

Two days had passed since their argument and they were yet to speak to each other. Janus was staying with Patton, Roman, Virgil and Logan whilst Remus stayed at home. He hadn't left the house. The amount of times he'd typed out messages begging Janus to come back so they could talk was unbearable. He never sent them though. He couldn't bring himself to. Remus had never felt to helpless and alone in his life.

As darkness fell, Roman followed in its footsteps, barreling down the stairs in a frantic rush. "There's a party at the nightclub down the street and i'm dragging all of you with me!!" Roman shouted excitedly, thanking Patton as he helped the Prince up off the floor. Janus lifted his head up from his knees and raised an eyebrow. Surely Roman wouldn't want him there. Would he? As if he could read Janus' mind, Roman walked over and slung the miserable man over his shoulder, Janus squeaking at the sudden movement. "You're coming too, Jack the Fibber." Janus tried to protest but Roman was having none of it. "Come ooooon, it'll take your mind off of, y'know..." Considering this, Janus reluctantly agreed.

"Could you at least put me down?"



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