❥In love with my best friend (2)

860 43 62

Tw: mild swearing, mentions of an abusive parent, back ground arguments, past abuse and crying (please tell me if I missed anything!)
Au: human
Words: 1052

A week had passed since Remus and Janus had started dating and they were both happier than they'd ever been. However, that happiness only seemed to last when the two were in each other's company.  Home was a different story.

Remus was currently led on his bed, his pillow held tightly to his chest and headphones covering his ears. The Heathers soundtrack drowned out the sound of shouting and screaming produced by his parents downstairs. Through his tears Remus saw a notification pop up on his phone.

1 new message (11:24am):
JayJay💛: hey, Rem. are you awake yet?

Remus reached a shaky hand out and picked up his phone, turning his music up slightly before typing a response.

hi Jan yeah i'm awke
awake* srry i cant type properly rn

that's okay, 'Mus:) is something wrong?

no im ok!

Remus flinched as a door slammed downstairs. He had to get out. Where could he go? Remus swallowed dryly and looked down at his phone seeing the words typing below Janus' icon. He didn't want to admit that he wasn't okay... he didn't want Janus to see him like this.

rem, sweetheart, i can tell that
you're upset by the way you're typing n stuff.
i'm not gonna force you to tell me what's wrong but
i'm here for you when
you're ready.

jay can I come over? please?

of course you can

tysm... i'll be there in a few


Around 10 minutes later Janus heard his window open. He turned his head and smiled softly at Remus who'd somehow climbed up the wall of the house and through the window. Janus gasped as he caught sight of Remus' tear stained face. "Oh, 'Mus... what happened?"

Janus stood up when he didn't reply and walked over to his boyfriend, frowning when Remus flinched. "Hey, hey, sweetheart. It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. Can I touch you?" Remus nodded slowly and relaxed as soon as he felt Janus' arms wrap around him. He hid his face timidly in the crook of Janus' neck and finally felt comfortable to let his tears fall.

Janus carefully picked Remus up in his arms and sat with him on the bed, holding his hand out for Remus to see before reaching  up to play with his hair. Jan pressed a kiss to Remus' forehead, wiping away his tears with his thumb.

After a while, Remus had calmed down. "I'm sorry that you saw me like that, Jay..." Remus looked away and took a breath. He'd been taught by his father never to cry, whenever he cried as a child, he'd be punished. In Remus' mind, he had to be strong, no matter what.

Janus tilted his head as he ran his fingers through Rem's messy hair, taking his chin between two fingers. Remus closed his eyes and tensed up, waiting to be yelled at or hit. After a few seconds he slowly opened his eyes, gasping when he saw that Janus was crying. "Jan..?" Remus felt the fear disappear, quickly being replaced by guilt and concern.

"You know I'd never hurt you, right?" Janus blinked away his tears and looked into Remus' eyes. Remus had always told him that his parents argued a lot but he'd never gone into detail about it. But over the years, Janus had begun to notice signs that Remus' home life was much worse than he let on. From his fear of loud noises, his flinches whenever someone tried to touch him, to his abandonment issues, it had become blatantly obvious to Janus that Remus was weighed down by trauma.

Remus leaned down and kissed Janus' nose before replying. "Of course I do. It's not you... you're the only person that I feel safe around. You do everything right... you even show me your hand before you touch me just make me feel comfortable." Remus paused and sniffled, feeling himself tear up again. "My parents were arguing earlier and it really got to me. I know I should've said something sooner but I didn't want you to see him upset. But I guess that didn't quite work out."

Janus shuffled backwards and leaned  against his headboard, holding Remus' waist after receiving permission to do so. "Honey... I know that you've been told all your life that you're not allowed to be upset, but you know that's bullshit, right? I'll be here for you through everything. And I'll do everything that I can to make you feel comfortable. You're safe with me and you don't need to hide anything, okay?" His voice was soft and calming, giving Remus a feeling of happiness.

"Thank you, Jan... can I tell you something?" Remus mumbled, laying his head on Janus' chest, inhaling his scent. Something that Remus had discovered was that Janus always smelled of vanilla and Remus loved it. Janus nodded. Remus paused and played with Janus' shirt nervously. "...I love you."

Janus felt his eye widen- a smile appearing on his lips. Although they'd been dating for around a week, this was the first time either of them had said 'I love you.' "I love you too, Rem." Remus smiled, feeling a light blush spread across his cheeks. He leaned up and kissed Janus passionately, pulling him closer by his shirt collar. Janus giggled and kissed back, hesitantly running his tongue across Remus' bottom lip. Remus smirked and parted his lips, moaning quietly into the kiss. Janus giggled and pulled away after a while, licking his lips.

Remus kissed Janus' neck quickly and led back down on his chest, panting softly. "Hey, baby?" Remus said, looking up at his lover, admiring the scar that covered one half of his face. Janus blushed deeply and smiled, that was the first time Remus had used a pet name for him. "Mhm?"

"Wanna spend the day together?" Remus smirked, sitting himself up on Janus' lap. Janus sat himself up more and kissed Remus' hair. "I'd love to."


I hope you all liked this chapter. :)

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haannddsss!!

I love you all. 💕

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