❥Demus Family (1)

916 41 77

Tw: mentions of past trauma, crying, arguing (please tell me if I missed anything.)
Au: X
Words: 1727

Around two weeks had passed since Veronica had been adopted and she was settling into her new home quite well. She was currently sat on her bed, flipping through the old notebook she'd brought with her from the centre.

Downstairs, Janus and Remus were sat on the sofa, Janus' head resting comfortably on his husband's shoulder. "Do you think it's time we introduce Veronica to the others?" The snakelike side asked, looking up as he spoke. Remus slid a hand up to run through Jan's hair and nodded.

"I think so, you think they'll all get along?" Remus gently scratched Janus' head, smiling as he leaned to the touch. "I sssure hope so." Janus giggled and purred softly at the feeling, pulling Rem in for a loving kiss.

smol time skip 💚

As the three made their way through the imagination, Veronica held tightly onto her parent's hands, her eyes darting around to take in her surroundings. She'd only been here a few time in her life, no experiences that she'd want to remember though. "What if they don't like me?" Veronica mumbled almost to herself, jumping slightly when Janus replied.

"Don't worry," He paused and made sure his voice was gentle, having noticed her jump, before continuing. "They will like you, I'm sure of it." Both Janus and Remus could tell that Veronica had been through some rough times, leaving her with trauma that could be seen at times. They hadn't been told much by the lady at the adoption centre, all she said was that Veronica's parents weren't nice people at all. The rest of the story would be told by Veronica when she's ready.

Soon, they arrived at the light side of Thomas' mind. It was much brighter and colourful than anything Veronica was used to. Not that she minded. The first side they encountered was Patton who was of course, in the kitchen decorating some cakes he'd just baked. "Hey, Patt." Janus smiled at Patton who immediately looked up, smiling back.

"Hiya, Kiddos!" Patton set the icing down and quickly washed his hands, turning his attention to the guests. A excited gasp left him as he noticed Veronica who was hiding herself behind Remus, holding onto the back of his sash. "You have a Kiddo!?" Patton squealed happily before managing to calm himself down, waving at the nervous girl.

Veronica poked her head out a bit more and shyly waved back, her eyes admiring Patton's cat hoodie wrapped around his shoulders. "Aww! She's adorable. What's your name?" Patton asked, unwrapping the hoodie from his shoulders and passing it to her to hold. "Veronica." She replied, stepping forward to hold the hoodie, running her fingers across the paw prints.

"Would any of you like a drink?" Patton walked over to the counter after getting his hoodie back from a now more comfortable Veronica. "I'm fine, thank you, Patton. Do you want something to drink, sweetheart?" Janus looked down at Veronica who was now playing with his cloak. "Can I have some juice please?" She asked quietly.

Patton nodded and walked over to the cupboard. "Whilst I'm getting you a drink, you can go and see the others if you'd like!" Patt added, getting a cup out for Veronica. Janus nodded and they turned to leave the kitchen. "Where's dad?" Veronica looked around, noticing that Remus wasn't there with them.

Janus held her hand gently as they made their way towards Virgil's room. "He went to see his brother, he's not gone far." He reassured her, knocking carefully on the black and purple door.

"Come in, Dee." Virgil's voice came from behind the door. He'd obviously remembered Janus' knocking pattern from when he lived with the dark sides. Veronica hid behind Janus as he opened the door, walking into the dimly lit room. Virgil's bedroom was almost completely pitch black, apart from a string on purple and white lights hung across the walls.

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