🖤20~Pumpkin carving🧡

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Tw: swearing and a knife (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 700

October 20th 2020
11 days until Halloween 🎃

Janus was sat on the sofa reading he'd picked 'The Book Thief' even though it made him cry every time. Before he could get too far into the book, the front door flew open. Janus jumped slightly and glared over at Remus who had ran directly into the kitchen, leaving the door wide open.

"The hell is he on?" Janus mumbled to himself, setting his book down and walking over to close the door. He rested his head against the cold wood of the door before walking into the kitchen.

As Janus entered the kitchen, he was met with Remus throwing a knife into a pumpkin that sat on the table. Remus smirked and looked over at Janus. "Hiya, sweetheart!" He giggled and pulled Janus into a short kiss.

"I'm guessing you want me to do pumpkin carving with you?" Janus adjusted his hat and walked over to the drawer, looking through it.

Remus nodded excitedly and pulled the knife out of his pumpkin, sliding the other toward Janus. "Yeah! It'll be fun!" He held the knife as if he was about to commit murder and smirked in a way that would make any normal person terrified.

"Alrighty then." Janus chuckled and removed his gloves, picking up his own knife. They began carving their pumpkins, Remus just randomly stabbed into the poor pumpkins head whilst Janus took a more detailed, precise route.

Once they'd scooped all of the insides out, Remus threw some at Janus, his boyfriend squeaking in surprise. "You bitch!" Janus laughed and threw some of the pumpkins flesh at Remus, smiling smugly as it hit him in the face.

Remus rolled his eyes playfully and giggled, licking it off of his face. Janus shivered and looked away from him. "Weirdo." He grabbed a marker and started sketching out his design.

"Little shit." Remus wrapped his arms around Janus' waist and kissed the back of his neck. He ruffled Janus' hair before going back to work on his pumpkin.

After a while of drawing they'd finally began to carve their pumpkins. Janus stuck his tongue out slightly as he concentrated. Remus tilted his head, he kept getting distracted by staring at Janus, admiring his concentrated expression. He didn't notice when Janus had set his knife down and was now staring back at him.

"What're you staring at, hm?" Janus purred, snapping Remus out of his thoughts. Remus' cheeks turned a dark shade of pink and he looked away, turning his attention back to his pumpkin.

"You." Remus poked his finished pumpkin and smiled innocently. Now it was Janus' turn to blush, ugh, why did Remus have to be so darn blunt? Janus set the knife down once again and looked at his pumpkin, smiling at his work. For once, he we actually proud of something he'd done. "I wanna see yours first, Jay!" Remus looked into Janus' eyes.

Janus smiled and nodded, turning his pumpkin around to show Remus.

Janus smiled and nodded, turning his pumpkin around to show Remus

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^^^ (ignore the fact that it's lit up lmao-)

Remus gasped and examined the details, giggling happily! "Eeee! It's amazing! You're talented as fuck." He hugged Janus tightly and kissed all over his face. Janus blushed and smiled at all of the kisses, hugging back.

"Aw thank you, darling! Can I see yours now?" Janus tilted his head and blinked, preparing himself for however weird this was going to be.

Remus smirked and let go of Janus, walking over to his pumpkin. "Hehe, of course."

Janus tried to hold back a laugh but failed, pulling an almost concerned expression. "Holy shit." He covered his mouth with his arm to avoid showing his teeth as he stared at Remus' pumpkin. "Would you kindly explain what the hell is happening on that poor pumpkin?"

 "Would you kindly explain what the hell is happening on that poor pumpkin?"

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"Unicorn Porn!!!"

-and rats 🐀 impaled. i give these thoughts 💭 generously! if you really want to challenge your viewership then you need to stop 🛑 limiting me-

i found that picture on Google and I just had to. 😹😼

i hope you all liked this chapter!

stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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