⚠︎︎Addiction (part 2)

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Tw: mention of smoking -that is all :3

Genre: smol angst 'n fluff

Au: X

Words: 628

Deceit awoke just a few seconds after Remus had sunk out. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, the familiar smell of his room hitting him once again. Once he was awake enough he stood up and opened his drawer, looking through it confused. Where was the lighter? He sighed and decided to go looking for it, he needed it after all so he sunk out into the dark commons.

His eyes landed on Remus, curled up on the couch quiet sniffles coming from the intrusive side. "Rem, what's wrong?" Deceit asked obviously oblivious to the situation, his search for the lighter didn't seem as important now. He knelt down in front of Remus who slowly lifted his head up to meet Dee's eyes.

Remus didn't know what to say. He couldn't just bring it up... As his mind wandered more tears filled his eyes overwhelmed by emotions he grabbed onto Dee and cried heavily into his shoulder. Dece obviously didn't expect this but he still held Remus close trying his best to comfort the distressed side. Soon, his eyes started searching the room if he couldn't get up and look he might as well try and find it where he was.

"Wh-what are y-you looking for..?" The Duke's voice was soft and laced with worry. Dee shook his head dismissively "Nothing important, Rem, don't worry." He smiled softly at the male in his arms. Remus wiped his eyes and waited until Dee's met his then shakily pulled the lighter from his pocket. "..is it this..?" His voice was barely audible but Deceit heard it.

That's when it hit him; Remus knew. Deceit was the reason his boyfriend was upset. Guilt burned inside him as he felt the tears fill his eyes "Rem, I-I'm sorry..." Dee didn't know what else to say, what if Remus didn't love him anymore because of this? Some dumb decision he had made when he was sad, that had slowly turned into an unbearable addiction. "Why.. why are you doing this? Why didn't you t-tell me?" Remus was trying his best to keep his voice down but the fear, sadness and slight anger was building up inside of him.

Deceit looked away from his boyfriend trembling he didn't know why he had started and now he didn't know how to stop. "I-I'm sorry! I-I don't know- I was just sad.. I-I know that's not an excuse a-and you're probably going to leave me beac-" Dece's flustered explanation was interrupted by a familiar pair of lips on his. He sunk into the kiss as he felt himself calm down, his eyes slowly closing as he was pulled closer by his shirt. He grabbed at Remus in a desperate attempt to keep him as close as possible. Remus smiled into the kiss and held Dee by his waist.

They pulled away for air and looked into each others eyes, now more relaxed than they both were previously. "I'm never going to leave you, Dee, I just need you to promise to let me help you through this. I don't want to lose you to this or to anything." Remus spoke softly and comfortingly to his lover who's face was now nestled into his neck. "I promise, sweetheart." Dece pressed a gentle kiss on Remus' neck as they sat there enjoying each others company, sharing soft kisses from time to time.

They would always be there for each other and Remus will never let Deceit go. Ever.

I hope this was worth the wait :p

Thank you all for being so patient and understanding with me!
Take care of yourselves. >:3

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