🖤22~Death of someone close🧡

819 38 50

Tw: mentions of death, crying (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: human
Words: 780

October 22nd 2020
9 days until Halloween 🎃

Janus lowered the phone from his ear and let it fall into his lap as he began shaking. He choked back a sob and buried his face in his knees, tangling his hands in his hair. Trying to be quiet, he gritted his teeth only making it worse for himself.

Remus lifted his head up from his computer and got up, following the noise. He gasped and slid hastily down the banister when he saw the state Janus was in, running over to his sobbing boyfriend. "Hey, hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Remus kneeled down in front of him and rested a comforting hand on his knee.

Slowly, Janus lifted his head up, tears staining his rosy cheeks. "Sh-She... I-I ngh.." Janus tried to speak, causing his hyperventilating to worsen, more tears forming in his eyes.

"It's okay, baby, you can tell me in a minuet. I'm here." Remus sat next to Jan and pulled him onto his lap, rocking him slowly. Janus sniffled and hid his face in the crook of Remus' neck, his breathing still shaky. As Remus rubbed circles on Janus' back, the shorter male began to calm down a bit, small hiccups escaping him.

After a few minutes of gentle cuddles, Janus was ready to speak. He twitched as he lifted his head up. "M-My mum passed a-away..." After those words left Janus' mouth, he teared up again, clinging onto Remus' shirt for comfort.

Remus froze for a moment, processing what Janus had said, tearing up himself. "Oh, Jay, I'm so sorry..." He wiped his own eyes and took a breath, knowing that in this moment, he had to be strong. "It's okay, she's.. in a better place now, she's safe." Remus ran his fingers through Janus' hair, kissing away his tears.

Remus knew how much Janus' mother meant to him. She was the only family member to keep in contact with Jay after he came out. She was genuinely the sweetest, most kind and supportive person ever.

"I-I wasn't there for her... I should've been there.. it's my fault." Janus mumbled, his eyes glazed over and his body shook. Remus cupped Janus' cheeks in his hands and looked into his tearful eyes.

"It's not your fault, honey, you didn't know." Remus pressed a soft kiss to Janus' nose and blinked away his own tears.

Janus smiled slightly and sniffled, looking down. "I miss her, 'Mus..." He wrapped his arms around Remus' waist, not wanting to loose someone else that meant the world to him.

"I know, baby, so do I, but it's going to be okay, we have each other and I promise I'll do anything to make sure that you have the life you deserve." Remus held Janus close and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you, darling... can you- n-never mind.." Janus shook his head and hid face again, hugging Remus tighter. He for some reason felt awkward asking what he wanted to, even though he knew Remus wouldn't mind.

Remus tilted his head and smiled, rubbing Janus' back gently. "Please tell me, sweetie." He wanted to help Janus in any way he could, especially right now.

"Y'know the song that my mum would a-always sing to me..?" Janus looked up and Remus nodded. "Could y-you sing it to me... please?" He rubbed his eyes and rested his head on Rem's shoulder.

"Awe, of course I can, sweetheart." Remus leaned back and made sure Janus was comfy, beginning to sing softly.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

Janus smiled for the first time that evening, his eyes slowly beginning to close.

"You make me happy when skies are gray"

He shuffled down so his head was resting on Remus' chest, listening to his boyfriend's gentle heartbeat.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you"

His grip loosened on Remus' shirt as he slowly began drifting off to sleep, the tears on his face starting to dry.

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

Remus smiled and pulled a blanket over himself and Janus, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. As he slowly began to drift off as well, Remus could've sworn he heard a soft voice whisper to him;

"Thank you."

that song always finds a way to make me cry- so i apologise heh

I've been walking for around 5 and a half hours and my feet hurt I better go eat before my friends murder meeee mwahahah!

and ofc, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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