❥Cuddle Pile!

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Tw: uhh none, apart from crying.
Au: X
Requested by: a lot of you in the comments 💕
Words: 1100
(thank you to KoszuleczkaZmarsa for explaining this request to me more! <3 )

"Do you live on top of the fridge, emo?" Remus looks up at Virgil who's curled up on the fridge, blasting Disenchanted through his headphones. The two sides chose not to be apart of the video that was being filmed. They just didn't feel like getting involved in all the drama.

"No, I feel safe up here." Virgil shifted his headphones slightly so he could hear out of one ear. He stared down at his friend who was swinging from the light on the ceiling, munching away at his deodorant. Yes, they were still friends, despite the fact that Virgil had abandoned him and Dee.

"You feel safe in a place where you could easily fall and break your neck?" The Duke led down on the counter with his feet in the air, clearly bored.

Virgil rolls his eyes and sits up. "Yeah, danger excites me." He mumbles before realising what he'd said. He turned to Remus again. "Don't you da-"

Remus giggled, his signature smirk appearing on his face. "You get an erection from danger?!" He jumps off the counter and randomly starts spinning around.

"No, you disgusting trash man, that's not what I meant and you know it!" Virge stifled a laugh and turned to the door which had just been opened. Logan walked in looking tired as usual. He walked over to the fridge, not even acknowledging the side that was sat on top of it, let alone the still smirking side that was spinning around like an out of control car.

Before Logan could walk away with his crofters, Remus jumped on top of him and just sat on him. "Remus, please get off of me, the floor is not exactly comfortable." Logan sighed, looking up at the side plonked on top of him only to receive an added weight to his back.

"No!" Remus and Virgil announced in sync, now both seated on the logical sides back.

"Well, this is most inconvenient." Logan remarked, laying his head on the cold kitchen floor.

A few seconds later, the door slowly opened revealing the snakelike side. He stood there, tears falling down his cheek as fresh ones formed in his mismatched eyes. "Dee, honey, what's wrong?" Remus looked up at his boyfriend, earning a small chuckle when Janus noticed the position they were all in.

"Your brother really doesn't like me..." Dee sniffled and sat down next to the pile of sides. "I-I revealed my name and he laughed at it." Janus looked down, clearly hurt by what Roman had said.

Remus frowned and reached out to hold Janus' hand gently. "I'll go talk to him later, okay? I'm sure he was just in one of his bad moods, I love you for who you are- it doesn't matter what others think." He used the soft tone he always did towards his boyfriend, visibly surprising the two sides he was squished between.

Seeing and hearing Remus be all soft and loving was definitely weird. Even if Virgil had seen it before, it'd been a while. Dee smiled and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on Remus' lips. "Thank you, Rem, I love you too."

Logan rolled his eyes playfully and looked up at them. "Would you like to join the pile? I'm apparently very comfortable, according to these two metaphorical buffoons." Janus nodded and flopped onto Virgil, causing all of them, even Logan, to giggle.

A while later, after being visited by Emile and Remy, who didn't even question anything, noises could be heard from the hallway. It sounded like someone was being dragged across the floor and was not happy about it. The door once again opened and Patton walked in, dragging by his leg, a very sulky Roman.

"Hey." Everyone in the kitchen said in sync, looking up at the two sides that had just entered. Before questions could be asked, a familiar feeling (well, to the light sides anyway) of being summoned occurred. Seconds later, everyone was in Thomas' living room in the same positions as they were in the kitchen.

"What the fwuh?" Thomas laughed, looking at each side in front of him. Logan squished below Remus, Virgil and Janus; Roman on the ground, his leg being held by a now smiling Patton and Emile and Remy just chillin in the corner.

"Don't ask." Virgil spoke up, wrapping his arms around the side above him to make sure he was okay.

"Anyone wanna watch a Disney movie?" Roman spoke up and everyone turned to look at him.

Patton coughed and let go of Romans leg, crossing his arms. Princey sighed and looked over at Janus who was being comforted by the three sides below him. "Janus?" Roman looked at the ground as soon as said side turned to look at him.

"Yeah Roman?" Dee replied quietly, smiling slightly as he felt Remus squeeze his hand comfortingly.

Roman paused and looked over at Thomas who was stood there waiting for Ro to speak again. He turned back to Janus. "I'm sorry for making fun of your name, it was truly horrible of me and I promise you that from now on, I will strive to be nicer to you. To everyone."

"I forgive you, Roman, I just need you to know that I never meant to hurt you, I've alwaysss tried to help you. I guess I just went about it the wrong way." Dee smiled at Roman who immediately smiled back.

"I'm also sorry that I missed the opportunity to make a Mean Girls joke-" Roman mumbled, earning a elbow to the arm by Patton.

"It's fine, Roman." Janus allowed himself to laugh softly.

"Really fine?" The prince added making everyone in the room roll their eyes at the reference. The snakelike side nodded making sure to reassure the Roman that he was forgiven.

"Cuddle pile!!" Patton snapped so everyone, including Thomas was on the sofa, all cuddled up together as Beauty and The Beast started to play on the TV.

Janus found his way into Remus' arms and cuddled up to his chest, blepping as Remus pressed a soft kiss to his nose.

Hey everyone!
Hopefully this was as good as you guys expected, I'm praying that it is.

By the way Requests are currently closed. I'm sowwy! They'll be open again soonish.

Anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!

Ily all! 💕

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