✔︎head-canons and theories

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TW: mentions of panic attacks and eating disorders

hey! these are some of my sanders sides head-cannons and theories. I hope you find this interesting! most of these are to do with Demus (obviously hehe)

if you have any of your own theories or head-canons, I'd love to hear about them in the comments! :3

here we goooo

Janus is one of the shortest sides- definitely shorter than Remus.

Dee is like the only side that can get Remus to listen and behave.

Doms: Virgil and Patton
Subs: Roman and Logan
Switches: Janus and Remus
(that's for Prinxiety, Logicality and Demus)

Janus is the more dominant one but he needs a lot of affection.

Remus has trust and abandonment issues-

Both Janus and Roman are hella sensitive.

Virgil is not a soft boi who needs defending, he defends others and is a sarcastic, feisty, caring and sometimes stubborn angsty boi who represents and has anxiety (I'm not saying that it's bad if you see him as a soft boi! It's cute I understand that, it's just my opinion!)

Roman needs more support. Whenever he has a go at someone, he always gets upset when they defend themselves.

Patton brought Roman up to think that the dark sides are the bad guys. He was never aloud contact with his brother after the split. Patt didn't want Roman to be anything like Remus. This would explain why Roman is confused as to why Patton excepted Janus. It's going to be really hard for Roman because the person who brought him up with certain beliefs, just went against them himself.

Remus is not gonna react well to Janus being accepted- he's gonna try and be supportive but on the inside it's gonna hurt.

Logan, Janus and Remus actually get along off camera. They mess around, do science experiments, watch movies and sing along to 'Don't stop me now' because yEs.

Patton split King Creativity without permission and had no intention of looking after Remus (because he's the "bad twin")

Janus misses Remus when he's gone for like 5 minutes.

If Remus is carrying Dee and then puts him down, Janus is gonna sulk 😌

Dee, Roman and Patton can be very clingy at times.

Janus owns two snakes

I think Logince is adorable-
(That was random)

Janus experiences panic attacks and the only person who can help him calm down is Remus.

Dee is very insecure about his scales and his body, he also has trouble eating sometimes.

Remus also has trouble eating sometimes as well as having his own intrusive thoughts.

Janus has never been and never will be afraid of Remus, no matter what.

What if Virgil left the dark side because he had a crush on one of them-

Before Janus and Remus started dating, Dee wasn't used to hugs or affection so it took him a long time to get used to it. He is thankful to this day with how patient Remus was and still is with him.

Remus talks differently around Dee to how he talks on camera.

Janus drops his intimidating facade around Remus because he feels comfortable with him.

Virgil misses the dark sides a lot but pretends to hate them on camera so the lights don't turn against him again.

Remus' moustache is REAL as well as his deodorant.

Janus likes to sit in the freezer which Remus hates because snakes can't handle the cold.

Remus can tell when Janus is lying.

Janus and Remus have liked each other since they met.

If Janus texts someone "🙂"  or "🙃" then they're either; about to die, done/said something horribly wrong, upset him or they just asked him if he's okay and he's lying about being okay. (Don't come at me- that smiley face is threatening asf)

Roman needs a gosh didally darn hug! >:(

that is all for now!
there should a new chapter soonish.

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaaannnnddssss!

Ily all! 💕

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