🖤6~ Under the bed🧡

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Tw: slight swearing
Au: human ig?
Words: 434

October 6th 2020
25 days until Halloween

It was around midnight when Janus awoke, cold sweat collecting on his forehead. A small whimper left him as he sat himself up shakily, leaning on the headboard. "Damn nightmares..." He mumbled to himself, squeaking quietly when he felt something move.

Janus glanced over at Remus who was still asleep. He looked so content and comfortable, Janus didn't have the heart to wake him. After a while of trying to calm himself down, Janus heard a noise coming from under the bed. His eyes darted around the pitch black room as the fear built up.

Cautiously, he grabbed his phone and turned on the torch, making sure not to accidentally shine it near Remus. With shaky hands, Janus got up and kneeled down next to the bed, shining the light under the bed.

Seconds later, a small squeak could be heard amongst the darkness under the bed. Janus flinched at the noise and tilted his head, staring at the tiny figure that was glaring at him. "You ssscared the shit out of me, Spike." Janus sighed and held his hand out, letting the annoyed looking bat sit in his palm.

Spike made a lil noise which sounded like a mix between a growl and a hiss, obviously not appreciating the light being shined on him. After was to Janus sounded like a quiet sigh, the bat spoke up. "I scared you? Damn, Jay, you almost blinded me! I guess it's kinda my fault for makin' so much noise though." Spike wrapped his wigs around Janus' index finger as a lil apology hug.

Janus giggled softly and smiled at the hug, carefully petting his wings. "Ssorry for almost blinding you." He stood up and walked over to the dresser which had a small perch on it, the perfect size for Spike to sit on. After setting him down, Janus yawned and opened the window slightly so that Spike could fly around as he pleased.

"Thank you, Snakey! Now, go back to sleep before Remus finds out I scared you. I don't feel like flying for my life today." Spike waved a wing at Janus.

"Yeah, yeah. Ssee you, whenever." Janus waved back sleepily and crawled back into bed, snuggling up to Remus' chest. He soon fell back to sleep, no longer afraid of the small noises that lingered around the room.

aaaand now I shall bless you all with some pics of adorable bats!! 🥺🦇

aaaand now I shall bless you all with some pics of adorable bats!! 🥺🦇

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eeeee i love themmm

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eeeee i love themmm

anywayssss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all. 💞

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