❥He's Mine!

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Tw: use of the F word
Au: X
Requested by: (I can't remember who requested this but someone asked for protective Remus. I'm sorry that I can't remember 💕)
Words: 815

Remus huffed as he watched from a distance. Janus was talking to the light sides again. He was allowed to, of course he was but there was something about it that just didn't sit right with Remus. It definitely wasn't a result of his fear of abandonment, definitely not.

Despite the fact that Patton and Virgil were together and Logan had a very obvious crush on Roman (not that he knew it was completely noticeable), there was one person that Remus didn't trust around his DeeDee; Roman.

Ro knew that Janus and Remus were dating but that didn't stop him from shamelessly flirting with the snakelike side, much to the annoyance of his brother and Logan. Like right now for example, Roman was perched on the edge of the counter, watching as Janus waited for his coffee to be ready.

Normally this wouldn't faze Remus too much, but something about the way Roman's eyes were not so subtly travelling down, tipped him over the edge.

Janus shifted uncomfortably as he noticed where Roman was looking, squeaking as he was abruptly but gently slung over Remus' shoulder.

The Intrusive side turned to his brother with a glare, holding tightly onto his snek. "Back off, Roman, he's mine, understand me?" He growled, watching Roman's face pale slightly.

"Remusss!" Dee held onto him tightly, giggling after being thrown down onto the bed and pinned against the sheets. Remus held his hands above his head and kissed him roughly, smirking as Janus kissed back almost immediately. Dee moaned into the kiss, tugging at his hands and whining softly.

"You're mine." Remus growled into his lovers ear after pulling away, watching as Janus shivered underneath him. "I know, honey, I'd never cheat on you, you realise that right?"

Remus' grip loosened slightly as he smiled, beginning to calm down. "Mhm! It's not you that I don't trust, it's Roman."

He kissed down Dee's neck before sucking at it gently, licking across the spots he'd left hickeys on. "R-Rem, that's r-really high up~" Jan bit his lip and moaned softly, realising that Remus was aiming for the hickeys to be noticeable.

"I know, baby snake~" He ran his tongue across Dee's warm skin, only pulling away when his neck was basically covered in hickeys. A small sigh left the snek's mouth as his hands were released, moving one up to touch his neck. Remus smirked and held his waist, kissing him gently. Janus smiled and kissed back, holding his cheeks to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.

"I love you, so much." Remus mumbled against his lips before they pulled away for air. A smile crept its way onto Dee's face. "I love you too, 'Mus." They shared one more kiss before heading back downstairs where everyone was.

Virgil looked up and snickered, noticing Deceit's neck. Janus rolled his eyes before looking over at Roman who was stood with his mouth wide open. "I thought you guys were joking about being together." Roman blinked, earning a sigh from Logan and a face palm from Virgil.

"No, dumbass, of course not." Remus chuckled, pulling Jan closer to him and kissed the back of his neck. Roman nodded slowly and turned to Logan who was looking away from him. "Logan, can I talk to you alone, please?" Roman asked, speaking unusually quietly. Logan turned to face him and nodded, following Roman upstairs.

That left the four other sides sat in the living room, Tangled playing in the background. "They're definitely gonna fuck up there." Remus broke the silence and smirked as everyone turned to face him. "What? They are-" He was cut off by Janus kissing him, not caring that they were in front of people.

"Awww!" Patton squealed receiving a light nudge from Virgil. "Sorry! That was adorable, I couldn't help myself."

Janus hid his face in Remus' shirts and sighed, trying to hide the fact that he was embarrassed. Remus smiled and ran his fingers across Dee's scaled cheek, watching as Janus leaned to his touch, purring softly.

Remus knew that he was overprotective, he would do absolutely anything to keep Janus safe. So what if Remus tried to murder the next person that laid a hand on Dee? The Duke wouldn't actually kill anyone!

Would he?

Hey! I hope this chapter was okay, I don't really like it that much but hopefully ya'll do!

I'm working on some requests at the moment so there should be more chapters soon. My motivations keeps disappearing but I'm trying my best!

Thank you all for the support you've given me, I really appreciate it and it helps me so much.

Anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddssss!

Ily all! 💕

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