Just Dance

625 26 27

Im alive!!!

I'm so sorry that this has taken so long- I haven't been doing so great. I hope this chapter is okay :')

Requests are closed for now :)

Tw/Cw: swearing, a few sexual innuendos (it's Remus, what do u expect ahasjsdsjs-)
Au: X
Requested by: DaughterOfDemus 💕
Words: 680

Janus let out a sigh as he stood up from his seat in the library. This was one of the nicer things Remus had created, especially since he'd created it for Janus personally. The deceitful Side definitely got the uh.. nicer? part of Remus' capabilities. Speaking, well- thinking, of Remus, Janus didn't seem him since this morning. He looked to the clock as he placed his book back on the neatly organised shelf.


As he made his way down the hallway, Janus could just about make out the faint sound of music from the other side of the wall. He quickly recognised it though, peaking his head round the corner and looking into the living room.

Remus was there, just having the time of his life, dancing away to Just Dance, the 2015 one- which is definitely one of the best- Janus leaned against the wall, definitely not staring at Remus' ass as he danced. What? He couldn't help it— He shook his head to distract himself, watching the dancer on the tv instead.

Remus hadn't noticed Janus yet. He was 100% focused on trying to get the best score. He just had to beat Virgil! He couldn't let that backstabbing emo win! >:)
He'd picked basically all of the extreme dances. Go big or go home, He guessed. And much like his brother; Remus just had to be extra, absolutely jumping at any opportunity to show off.

Around two dances later, Remus finally took a break, flopping down onto the sofa. He panted heavily, glancing over as he heard a soft chuckle from the doorway that lead to the hallway. That's when he finally noticed his boyfriend standing there. "How long have you been watching?" Remus panted out, still having not fully caught his breath. Janus hummed and summoned a bottle of water, holding it to Remus' lips. "A while. I was quite enjoying the show," He smirked, pressing a kiss to Remus' sweating forehead. It didn't bother him at all that Remus was sweaty, he actually found it quite attractive, especially in certain situations—


"Of course you were," Remus giggled, a smirk forming on his own lips. "Though I bet the dance moves weren't what you were most focusing on~" He teased, leaning himself against Janus' chest, wiggling his eyebrows. Oh, he knew Janus all to well. "Oh ssshut up, asshole-" Janus said with a huff, burying his face in Remus' tangled hair. He rarely did brush it. "I'll be in yours later-" Remus fired back quickly, earning a loud groan from Janus who playfully pushed him off of his lap. "Save those sounds for later, Dee~" Remus giggled and stood up after Janus, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.

"Only if you let me pick the next dance." Janus muttered, blushing as Remus pressed himself closer to him, pressing kisses to the back of Janus' neck. "Of course, doll." Remus purred, pressing a slightly deeper, passionate kiss right on one of Janus' sweet spots, causing the snake's body to shiver.

Remus did let Janus chose the next song and he didn't even have to convince Janus to join in with him. And you can bet he kept Janus close as much as he could during it, spinning him and holding his waist whenever he got the chance.

Overall, it was a very fun~ evening indeed.

I'm so tired 🧍‍♂️
Also, ive missed all of you sm- I'm sorry for not updating in like 10000 years- you're all probably used to that with me by now 🥲

Also Also— pronoun update!!
He/It/They/Ghost/Rot !!
-Im trying out some neopronouns!- :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter- hopefully it was okay- definitely not one of my best but 😭


Stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannndssss!!

ily all! 💕

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