🖤7~ Murderer🧡

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Tw: murder, blood, bruises, scars and violence
Au: human (Victorian era)
Words: 800

October 7th 2020
24 days until Halloween

A splatter of blood hit Remus' face as he brought his mace down on the already bloody and mangled corpse. Remus smirked in a way that would send chills up any sane persons spine as he slipped into the darkness of an alleyway, dragging the body by its leg. This guy had been stalking Remus for weeks now and Remus had just about had enough. Remus didn't regret what he'd done but he couldn't let anyone find out that he was a murderer.

As he made his way home through the abandoned streets, Remus began to think of an excuse for what he'd done. I mean, the guy was trying to kill him, so... It was self defence! Remus smiled sinisterly as he came to this satisfying conclusion. It almost comforted him.

He dragged the body to a spot in the woods that he knew well and started to dig a hole using his mace. Once he was halfway done, he allowed himself to take a break. Just as he was doing so, what sounded like the harsh ruffling of leaves caught Remus' attention. His eyes darted towards the noise, his heart thumping in his chest as the noise got nearer.

Remus held his breath and climbed out of the hole he'd dug, clutching his mace in his hand. Then, he spotted a figure in the darkness. They seemed to be limping as they ran, narrowly avoiding running into trees. As a reflex reaction, Remus held his mace above his head, ready to strike as the figure neared him. He'd forgotten about the body that lay behind the tree for now.

Noticing this, the figure held their hands in front of their face, falling to their knees from a mixture of fear and exhaustion. "Please d-don't hurt me..." Remus could see the man more clearly now despite it being almost pitch black. The moonlight made it possible for Remus to make out the man's condition. He was shaking violently, his hands still held firmly in front of his face, what looked like blood, scars and bruises scattered across his hands.

Remus had long since lowered his mace, the amount of fear he'd put the stranger through caused guilt to burn inside Remus. "Hey. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Remus placed his mace on the ground and held his hands up, hoping that this would reassure the man maybe even slightly.

No one would have guessed that Remus had just murdered someone by the way he was acting in that moment.

The man lifted his head up cautiously and Remus held in a gasp. Scattered across the man's face were multiple cuts and bruises, as well as a long scar that traveled from his forehead, across one of his eyes and down to his cheek. Noticing that Remus was staring, the stranger coughed quietly, not wanting to be rude as he was still scared for his life.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to stare." Remus apologised genuinely and looked away, glancing over at the body which was still behind the tree.

The stranger nodded and followed Remus' gaze, his eyes widening when he saw a leg sticking out. "Did... did you kill someone..?" He stood up uneasily to get a better look.

To Remus' surprise, he didn't scream and run away. Remus watched as the man walked closer to the body, staring at it almost intrigued. "Um... maybe?"

The stranger giggled and tilted his head as he inspected the corpse, pulling a golden pocket watch from inside the deceased man's coat. His whole demeanour seemed to change after he'd gotten a good look at the body.

"Thank you." He turned to look at Remus who just stared at him confused. The stranger continued. "My name is Janus Sanders." Janus glanced back at the corpse before looking into Remus' eyes, passing him the pocket watch.

Remus held it carefully in his hands and lifted it up to the moonlight, reading what was engraved into the expensive looking metal.

'Property of Mr. Oliver Sanders.'

Remus gasped and looked over to where Janus was, a chilling realisation hitting him. Janus was gone. Remus blinked multiple times as he held the pocket watch in his hands. There was no sign of him at all.

"Well..." Remus sighed as he turned his attention to Oliver's corpse, pushing the many unanswered questions about Janus he had, down inside him for the moment. "Let's get you buried, I guess."

the next chapter shall be a part 2 to this one!

i hope you all liked this chapter. i gotta go eattt!! :D

anywaysss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaaannddsss!!

I love you all. 💞

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