🖤16~ Moonlight🧡

860 40 13

Tw: none
Au: X
Words: 514

October 16th 2020
15 days until Halloween 🎃

Remus slowly opened his eyes as he awoke from his nap, groaning when he saw the time. 11:50pm. He'd hoped that it would at least be past 2am when he woke up. Great. Now he was wide awake near midnight.

He sat up against his headboard and scrolled through his phone, staring at his Home Screen. It was a picture of him and Janus that they'd taken a while ago. Remus smiled and ran his thumb across Janus' picture, staring into his crushes' eyes. Gosh, he loved him so much. If only he could tell Janus how he felt, but that would never happen... would it?

After a while of scrolling through TikTok, Remus decided to go and get a drink. He made his way downstairs quietly and went into the kitchen, a cold breeze catching his attention. He looked around the room and realised that the door was slightly open, squinting as the moonlight shone through the window.

He picked up his bottle of water and walked over to the door. (Remus drinking water??? Wow-) When he got outside, the sound of soft singing lingered in the night air. Remus raised an eyebrow and walked towards the tree that him and Janus usually sat by, stopping when he saw Janus sat there, singing to his pet snake.

Remus stood there in awe, listening to Janus' soothingly beautiful voice. After a few seconds, he walked over and to his surprise, Janus continued singing. Janus glanced over at Remus and blushed lightly, deciding to carry on singing, feeling a little more confident than usual.

"Like a river flows."

Remus took a small breath and decided to join in after a small nod from Janus.

"Surely to the sea."

They both turned and stared into each other's eyes, singing together.

"Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be~"

Remus shuffled closer to Janus, blushing as Jay rested his head on his shoulder, both continuing to sing.

"Oh take my hand, take my whole life too~"

Both sides were now facing one another, Janus' scales shimmering in the moonlight. He looked stunning. They leaned in closer, their faces only inches apart, their voices getting softer yet more meaningful.

"For I can't help,  falling in love with you~"

As those words left their lips, a pair of gentle hands cupped Remus' cheeks, pulling him into a soft, long awaited kiss. Remus' eyes widened as he kissed back, keeping the kiss loving and slow.

After a few more seconds, they pulled away, both tearing up from happiness. Janus pressed gentle kisses to Remus' cheeks as Remus listened to him sing the last line of the song, admiring Jan's face in the moonlight.

"Oh for I, I can't help, falling in love with you~"

i love this song so much and thought it would make an adorable chapter! :)

someone's setting off fireworks near my street and I'm trying to concentrate, man 😔💔

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddss!!

I love you all. 💕

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