
1K 52 36

Tw: happy crying, swearing (please tell me if I missed anything.)
Au: X
Words: 1151

Janus sighed and leaned against the living room wall, his nerves were all over the place. He'd just gotten back from shopping with Roman and he was now waiting for Remus to get ready. Memories of the shopping trip came back to Jan as he waited for his excitable boyfriend.

"Why are we in a jewellery store?" Roman tilted his head, his eyes skimming over the shiny rings and necklaces. "Um... reasonssss..." Janus replied, looking nervously at the selection of rings. He needed to find something perfect. Roman followed the snek's gaze and that was when it hit him square in the face. "You're going to propose to Remus!!!" The Prince squealed happily, clapping his hands and ignoring the weird stares he got from the people around him, including Janus. "Yesss, if...if that's okay with you-" Janus stuttered, looking away from Roman. "Of course it's okay with me! Oh my god, he's gonna he so happy eeee!!"  Janus nodded and smiled, his nerves slightly reassured. Now to look for the perfect ring for Remus.

"JayJay, I'm ready!" Remus' voice snapped Janus out of his thoughts, he blinked and looked over at Remus. The Intrusive side laughed softly and wrapped his arms around Janus' neck, rubbing their noses together. Janus felt a light blush spread across his face as he wrapped his own arms around Rem's waist, pulling him into a loving kiss. He giggled into the kiss as Remus' moustache tickled him, cupping his cheek with one hand.

"Are you excited for your surprise, love?" Janus handed Remus a jacket and grabbed his own, ruffling 'Mus' hair. "Mhm! Can you tell me where we're going? Pleaseeee." Remus pouted, chuckling when Janus instantly looked away from him. "Nooo and no pouty face. Nuh." Janus stared at the wall and laughed softly, knowing he could never say no to Remus' pouty face. He held out an elegant gloved hand for Remus to take and they sank down to the surprise spot Janus had been keeping secret.

Remus squeezed Janus' hand, keeping his eyes closed as Jan had told him to. He wondered where Janus could be leading him and why? Oooo maybe he had something kinky planned- Remus' mind wondered as he was lead forward.

"Okay, you can open your eyessss now." Janus said softly, scrunching up his nose when he hissed, not wanting to give away that he was anxious. "Hmm, okie!" Remus opened his eyes and looked around at the beautiful scene before him. There was a river flowing calmly, glowing purpley-blue in the moonlight, smooth green grass with trees scattered across it and the stars were shining bright. "It's beautiful." Remus smiled genuinely, a smile that no one other than Janus got to see.

Janus returned the smile and got the jewellery box out of his pocket, holding it behind his back. They walked over to a tree surrounded nu flowers and Remus admired the different colours.

Meanwhile, Janus heart was racing, his mind filling with all sorts of scary thoughts. What if he says no? You're gonna loose him forever. Are you sure this isn't too soon? He's gonna say no. Janus shook his head and took a deep shaky breath, time seeming to slow down as he got down onto one knee. Remus' eyes widened, already beginning to tear up.

"Heh, fuck, i'm nervousss... Remus, sweetheart, I've loved you since I first met you and I've always loved absolutely everything about you. You have the ability to somehow make me feel better by just smiling at me, just looking at you makes me feel happy. Even the strange comments you make always find a way to brighten up my day. I don't know what I did to deserve you but I'm so thankful that you're always here for me. No one else understands me the way you do and honestly, you saved my life. No one else gets to see the side of me that you do and I just want you to know that you're so special to me and I love you more than anything and anyone. And I want to ssspend the rest of my life with you, sssso... will you marry me?"

Remus gasped shakily and nodded enthusiastically, tears of happiness streaming down his face. "H-Holy Fuck yes!!"  He always felt happy around Janus but damn, this was such a euphoric feeling, Remus felt so special and loved.

Janus let go of the breath he'd been holding and stood up, slipping the glistening silver and emerald ring onto Remus' finger. "I love you so much." Janus kissed away Remus' tears and blinked away his own, pulling his fiancé in for a gentle kiss. Remus giggled at the kisses and kissed back, cupping Janus' cheeks in his hands. "I love y-you too." Remus whispered as they pulled away slightly from the kiss, staring into each other's eyes, both trying not to tear up again.

"Did you mean everything you said?" Remus asked, admiring the ring on his finger. He was laying on Janus' chest as they rested on the sweet smelling grass, Janus' fingers running soothingly through Remus' hair. "Of course I did, honey, why?" Janus tilted his head slightly and kissed Rem's forehead, resting his other hand on Remus' back.

Remus kissed Janus' neck gently and sighed, running his fingers lightly across his skin. "You said I saved your life." Janus shivered at his touch and bit his lip, watching his finger. "You helped me out of really dark place, 'Mus. Something only you could do." He watched as Remus' finger traveled down his chest, trailing across the scales hidden under his shirt. "Don't mind me, just tryna keep the mood as happy as possible. I love you so much, baby snake and I'm glad I've helped you through some shit, I want you to know that you've done the same for me and I can't thank you enough for it." Remus' voice was soft as he finished speaking.

Janus smiled lovingly and kissed his hair, admiring how perfect he is. "Awe, I love you too, darling." He giggled softly as he was pulled into a passionate kiss, Remus pushing him gently against the grass as the kiss deepened. Janus rested his hands just above Remus' ass and pulled him closer, both of them giggling and pulling away for air.

And Janus just knew that when they told Roman the news, he'd 100% squeal so loud, the entire mindscape would hear him.

eeeeee they gon get married!!! :D
i hope you all liked this chapter, hopefully it was as good as y'all expected!

this is part one to a three part thingy ima be doing so be prepared for part two sometime!!

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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