
850 42 91

Tw: none (if i missed any please let me know!)
Au: X
Words: 1240

"Jay, honey, wake up." Remus sat himself on Janus' lap and hit him gently with a pillow. It was ten o'clock in the morning and they were planning to go to the adoption centre in the imagination. Janus opened his eyes slightly and grumbled, grabbing the pillow and hugging it tightly. "That's adorable but you need to get dressed! I wanna goooo." Remus poked Jan repeatedly in the thigh, trying to get his sleepy husband to get up.

Janus sighed and sat up reluctantly, hugging Remus' waist tightly. "Okay, fine. I'll get up." He pushed Remus gently off of him and got out of their bed, walking over to the closet.

Once Janus was dressed, they made their way downstairs into the kitchen. Janus made them both coffee whilst Remus sat on the counter, lost in thought. What if none of the kids wanted to go with them? What if they hated him? Remus bit his lip and looked over at his husband. Despite the panic he felt, Remus couldn't help but smile when Janus looked back at him.

"You okay, love?" Janus set both of the mugs down on the table and walked over to Remus, resting a hand on his thigh. "Mhm..." Remus shook his head to try and rid of the thoughts, wrapping his legs around Janus' waist. Janus tilted his head and leaned up to kiss him gently. "Tell me the truth, 'Mus."

Remus sighed and looked into Janus' eyes, smiling once again. "I just don't know if I'll be a good enough dad..." He admitted. Janus raised an eyebrow and leaned up to kiss his nose. "Oh, sweetheart, you're going to be an amazing parent. They're going to love you." Remus seemed to relax at this and nodded, hugging his husband tightly.

time skip 💛

As they arrived at the adoption centre, Remus held tightly onto Janus' hand, sticking close to him when they walked inside. After talking to a member of staff, they were guided into a room full of kids of all ages. Some were playing with teddies and other soft toys, some were running around outside playing tag and some were sat watching the big tv. There were other couples in the room as well.

Remus looked around the room and then back at Janus who had just finished talking to the staff member. "She said we can look around and talk to some of the kids." Janus smiled, letting go of his husbands hand so they could look around separately. Remus pouted but nodded. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit then, hun."

Remus walked around the room, past a few groups of kids who just looked up at him and smiled. A few minutes later, a small "Ow!" caught his attention. Remus looked over and saw a kid who looked as if they'd been pushed to the ground. The boy who'd pushed her laughed and threw a book at her before walking away, still laughing to himself.

The girl sniffled and held back tears as she sat herself up, flinching almost unnoticeably when a hand was held out for her. "You okay?" Remus carefully helped the girl up, taking a small step back, having noticed the flinch. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay... thank you." She held the book close to her chest and smiled up at Remus. "My names Veronica, it's nice to meet you." She held out her hand which Remus shook gently.

"It's nice to meet you too, Veronica, my names Remus." He smiled, following her gaze as she watched the boy from before run outside. "Why'd he push you over anyway?" Remus asked. Veronica laughed nervously and looked away. "He just hates me." She shrugged, not feeling like going into detail about it at the moment.

Remus nodded slowly. "You won't have to worry about him for much longer anyway." Veronica bit at her hoodie sleeve, a smile appearing on her face. Did that mean what she thought it meant? Mur- no- She shook her head. Wait... was Remus thinking of adopting her?

After a few minutes, Remus walked back over to Janus. "Hey, 'Mus." Janus smiled at Remus and ruffled his hair. "Hiya, sweetheart, come with me, I want you to meet someone!" Remus grabbed his husband's hand and led him over to where Veronica was sat. She looked up at them both and smiled shyly. Maybe they were just being nice? They probably didn't want to adopt her... Veronica blinked and shuffled over so they could sit down, trying to push her thoughts away.

She introduced herself to Janus and they all seemed to get along really well. But she still had her doubts. There had been so many times where people had gone to adopt her but decided against it. She'd been in the same building for years, ever since she was five. Now she was eight and almost all hope was gone. Until now.

Remus and Janus were talking to Miss Hill who then walked over Veronica, kneeling in front of her. She was smiling which was a rare sight for anyone to see. "Veronica, honey." Veronica tilted her head and nodded, her heart beginning to race. "Go get your things." Miss Hill continued, watching as Veronica teared up happily, jumping out of the chair and running faster than she ever had before towards her room.

Five minutes later, she ran back into the main hall and stood up straight, forcing herself to calm down. She held a bag tightly in her hand, a black hoodie wrapped around her waist. Her light brown hair now tied in a ponytail, her eager blue eyes were full of joy as she looked over at Remus and Janus. After the couple signed a few papers, the form was handed to Veronica.

She stared down at the form and teared up as she signed it. This was really happening! She was finally going to have a family who loved her! Miss Hill took the form back and set it on the side, resting a hand on Veronica's shoulder. "I'm going to miss you, Ver. You're one of the well behaved ones." She laughed softly and smiled at Remus and Janus, allowing Veronica to finally run up to them.

Remus smiled back at Miss Hill and crouched down, letting Veronica run into his arms, hugging him tightly. Veronica held out her other arm so Janus could join the hug, tears making their way down her pale cheeks. "Th-Thank you. Thank y-you so much!" She pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "Of course." Remus smiled gently and held out his hands for his family to take.

As the three of them walked home, Veronica looked back at the place she'd been stuck in for so many years. All the years she'd spent believing that this day would never come.

At that moment, she felt as if she was the happiest girl alive.


I hope you all liked this chapter! Sorry that it took a bit longer to come out than usual. I've had mock exams for like two weeks and now I'm doing school work from home cuz someone in my year has COVID.

Anddd ive been apparently been in close contact with them sooo... fun 😃

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haannnddsss!!!

I love you all. 💕

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