
9K 146 236

Smut ;)
Tw: None unless you count smut
Au: X
Requested by: Maddison197
Words: 989

Deceit looked up at Remus as he was pinned against the wall. He knew teasing the dark creative side was a bad idea but he of course did it anyway.

Remus held Deceit's chin in his hands and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Dee immediately kissed back, moaning softly into the kiss as he desperately grabbed at Remus' shirt.

"Go ahead~" Remus mumbled into the kiss taking Deceit by surprise. He expected to be teased the fuck out of right then and there but he wasn't complaining. Dee pulled away slightly from the kiss as his hands fell to his sides, getting straight to work on removing Remus' shirt.

Once the shirt and sash were discarded on the floor Deceit felt himself being lifted and thrown onto the bed. He gasped and blushed deeply as Remus straddled him. "Aw is my beautiful baby boy flustered?~" Remus purred in his ear causing Dee to let out a small moan. He had a thing for being praised.

The smirk on Remus' face grew as he slid a hand up Deceit's shirt,
slowly removing it as he did so. He ran his fingers across the snake-like sides scaled chest and placed soft bites and kisses along the scales. Deceit bit his lip after letting a small whine slip. He wanted more.. so much more.

"R-Rem please~" He looked up at Remus, begging for him to do something. Remus smirked and slid his hand down slowly starting to unbuckle the snake-like sides belt, sliding his trousers off soon after. This caused Deceit to blush even deeper as he tugged at Remus' jeans wanting them off.

Remus' smirk grew as he quickly removed his jeans and started lightly grinding on him, biting his lip as he heard soft moans escape Deceit's lips. Remus leaned down and kissed him deeply his pace quickening as the kiss became more desperate and messy.

Deceit was completely in Sub-space for Remus, not that he expected it to happen so easily. He bucked his hips up and moaned into the kiss each time their hips made contact. His fingers found their way into Remus' hair, pulling him closer. "P-please fuck me~" Dee mumbled desperately into the kiss.

Remus pulled away from the kiss and looked up at Deceit who nodded before removing his boxers. The snek moaned as his dicks slapped against his stomach, blushing deeply. The creative side licked his lips and slid his own boxers off  discarding them with the rest of the clothes.

Dee whined and looked up at Remus who smirked and tutted "You've been a naughty boy but I'm gonna he nice and take care of you. How does that sound Hm?~" He summoned some lube and put a generous amount on his fingers, looking at Dee for permission before pushing one into him.

This earned a moan from Deceit who immediately pushed back on the finger, begging for more.
Remus quickened the pace and soon Dee was being stretched by three fingers which were then pulled out. This was followed by a whine from the needy sub as Remus lubed up his dick.

"You ready baby boy?~" Remus asked as he lifted Deceit up by his waist. The snek nodded quickly and moaned loudly as he was lowered down onto Remus' member. Once he was fully down Rem made sure that he had enough time to adjust.

"M-move~" Deceit moaned out after just under a minuet. Remus nodded and held his waist as he thrusted his hips up at a slow pace. Dee gasped softly and moaned, starting to bounce slightly. "F-faster p-please~" Deceit held onto Remus' shoulders as the Dom quickened his thrusts.

"Fuck baby boy~" Remus moaned as he looked up at Deceit and what a sight he was. His hair messy, scales shiny with sweat and eyes rolling back. "Look at you.. you're so sexy Dee~" Remus said seductively, making Deceits blush deepen.

Remus slid his hand down and started stroking one of Deceit's dicks in time with his thrusts. This caused Dee to moan louder and bounce faster already feeling himself getting close.

"I'm close~" Deceit dug his nails into Remus' shoulders and bit his lip. "So am I baby~" Remus thrusted deeper and smirked as Dee moaned louder, signalling that he had hit his prostate. Remus angled his thrusts so he hit the same spot each time.  Deceit bounced faster, he was getting closer. Remus knew this and kept thrusting at the same pace. "G-gonna cum~"

"Go ahead honey~" Remus purred stroking him at the same speed at his thrusts. He watched as Deceit bounced faster before moaning loudly, his eyes rolling back again as he came onto Remus' hand and chest. Remus thrusted more before releasing inside of Dee who moaned loudly again as he was filled up.

Remus slowed his thrusts and strokes down before slowly pulling his hand away. They both were panting and Dee hid his face in Remus' shoulder trying to catch his breath.

A few minutes later they had calmed down and Remus lifted Deceit up, laying him down on the bed. He summoned a cloth and cleaned Dee up then himself before snapping so the cloth gone. He got into bed with Deceit and held him close.

"Thank you Rem.." Deceit mumbled as he snuggled up to him under the covers, laying his head on Remus' chest. "For what?" Remus kissed Dee's forehead and smiled. "For everything," He replied with a smile, leaning up to kiss Remus softly on the lips. Remus of course kissed back. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before they pulled away and snuggled back up together.

They soon fell asleep like that. In the comforting security of each others arms.

I hope you liked this! ;p hehehe pls send more requests!!! 🥺❤️

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