🖤 9~Decorations🧡

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Tw: mentions of a fake decapitated dude, fake limbs and fake blood
Au: X
Words: 594

October 9th 2020
22 days until Halloween

"Jaaaaannnn!" Remus flopped onto his boyfriends chest and looked up at him, swinging his legs. Janus lowered his book and smiled fondly, pressing a kiss to Remus' forehead.

Janus was led on their bed attempting to read his book. As usual, not getting very far. "Yes, love?" Remus blushed at the name, getting distracted by the blurb of Janus' book.

After snapping out of his thoughts, Remus shuffled closer to Jan's face. "Can we go and buy Halloween decorations? Pleaseeee?" Remus pouted, dragging the 'e'. Janus considered this for a moment. Was taking Remus out shopping in public a good idea? Probably not. But Jay didn't care, he couldn't say no to Remus' pouty face anyway.

"Sssure, there's a Halloween store down the street. We can walk there, yeah?" Janus offered, running his fingers through his excitable boyfriends hair.

Remus nodded enthusiastically, leaning to the touch. "Yay! Thank you, Jay Jay!" He smiled and tilted Janus' chin up gently, kissing him softly. Janus kissed back and set his book down, putting all his attention on Remus. Janus' arms wrapped around Remus' waist as Rem's hands held Janus' cheeks, pulling him slightly closer. They pulled away and Remus giggled, licking his lips. "Let's goooo!"

Janus rolled his eyes playfully and watched as Remus rolled off of the bed, darting down the stairs. As Janus was walking down the stairs, a coat hit him in the face followed by a fluffy yellow scarf. He squeaked and glared at Remus who was waiting impatiently for him. "Hurry up, J-anus!" Remus grabbed Janus' hand and dragged him out of the door, locking it behind them.

Despite his excitement, Remus being the sweetheart he was, checked up on Janus every few minutes to make sure he wasn't too cold as they walked. "I'm fine, honey, honestly." Janus reassured him as  Remus' arm slipped around the snake's waist, which Janus secretly loved.

Once they arrived at the store, Remus was off. His eyes widened at the sight off all the decorations. "Oooo! Jay, can we get this?- and this? Eeee looook it's a decapitated man!!!"

Janus smiled to himself as he watched Remus look around the store. He loved seeing Remus happy. Janus occupied himself by looking at all of the Halloween lights, enjoying the different colours. He picked out a few such as some purple bats, orange pumpkins and just some cool looking green ones. He'd always been the one to go for the less gory decorations, unlike Remus who absolutely adored anything gore related.

Remus however, had opted for a human sized fake skeleton, a few bloody fake limbs, ghosts, ghoulish signs and many other spooky decorations. He couldn't help it. Halloween had always been his favourite holiday.

After around twenty minutes, the couple found each other in the candle isle, both checking out what the other was carrying. "This is Gerald." Remus pointed to the skeleton he was holding, giggling wickedly.

"How lovely." Janus laughed softly and inspected the rest of the things Remus had picked up. Janus then turned to look at the candles, noticing Remus smirking out the corner of his eye.

"You want the yellow and green ones, don't you?"


apparently the new sanders asides episode is out tomorrow??? i think??? aaaAAAAAAHH 😳

hopefully this chapter was good, i hope I'm not getting worse at writing-

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddss!!

I love you all 💞

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