☕︎︎Shy Snek

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Tw: Ssssmut? 😏
Au: X
Requested by: VladikKotoriNeVladik
Words: 579

Deceit bit his lip as he's pulled onto Remus' lap. The snake-like trait looks into his eyes before burying his face into the crook of Remus' neck as a soft moan left him. "Wow, you're already hard?~" Remus smirked, gently started palming Dee, the snake trying his best to hide his burning face.

"Mhm.. been happening a lot lately..~" Deceit replied, his words muffled by his soft moans.

Remus held Deceit's face with his free hand, making Dee look at him. "Why didn't you come to me? I would've helped" He spoke softly while starting to move his hand slightly faster. Another moan left Deceit and he closed his eyes half out of embarrassment and half to enjoy the feeling.

"I-I guess I was embarrassed.. R-Ree please~" Dee moaned as he began to move his hips slightly causing Remus to moan softly and flip Dece over so he was pinned down on the bed. "Strip for me baby boy~" Remus whispered seductively into the lying sides ear, gently nibbling at it causing Deceit to shiver before begging to remove his shirt.

Deceit knew that Remus could be dominant but he didn't expect it to affect him as much as it did. Once he was undressed down to his boxers he looks at Remus who's also taking off his clothes. Deceit's blush deepened as he watched Remus remove his shirt. He couldn't lie about this.. Remus was fucking hot.

When they're both down to their boxers, Remus crawls back on to of Dee and kisses him passionately. Deceit of course kisses back, melting into the kiss as he feels Remus' hand travel down to his crotch. "Leaving the best part for me I see~" The Duke mumbled into the kiss, sliding off Deceit's boxers and taking one of his members in his hand, slowly starting to stroke him.

Deceit moans into the kiss making it deeper as the feelings rushed over him. He broke the kiss and let his head fall back onto the pillow, closing his eyes in pleasure. "M-more please I-I need it..~" He looked up at Remus who nodded, moving his face down and taking Dee's other member in his mouth. Deceit practically screamed due to the increase in pleasure, he tugs at Remus' hair slightly, signalling that he wants more. Remus understood and begins deepthroating him, moaning around his dick sending vibrations which made Dee come close to loosing it.

Deceit felt himself getting closer as his moans got louder. "C-close~" He moaned out, tugging at Remus' hair. Remus took him in deeper and moved his hand faster, moaning louder, obviously enjoying himself. He smirked around Deceit's member as he felt his body tense before Dee released into his mouth and all over his hand, his body shuddering as his eyes rolled back. Remus happily swallows and pulls his mouth and hand away, crawling back on top of Dece. "I'm guessing you enjoyed that then~" He giggled playfully. "Oh shush~" Deceit replied with a soft smirk, his eyes travelling down to Remus' hard on.

"It's not over yet~" Remus yelped softly was he was flipped over and pinned down by a now dominant snek.

I hope this was okay!
Feel free to request more things! Just keep in mind that I may take a while to update. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding with me 😊❤️

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