🖤10~ Arguement🧡

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Tw: swearing, crying, voices in Remus' head and mentions of a bloody plushie (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 990

October 10th 2020
21 days until Halloween

before we get into the fanfic i just wanna say- i'm still trying to process the amazingness of the new video and I'm also trying to set up my patreon so I'm sorry if this chapter isn't as good as usual. i'm a bit overwhelmed atm but i hope you all enjoy it though! :)

Remus sighed as he checked his phone. Janus had gone to see the light sides again and he'd been there for ages. It had gotten to the point where Janus would spend so much time there, Remus would rarely get to spend time with his boyfriend. To Remus it felt like he was being abandoned. Again.

He decided to text Janus to make sure he was okay. A wave of anxiety rushed over him as he unlocked his phone.

hey JJ do u know what time you're gonna be home? i miss you

Remus debated whether or not to put a heart like he usually did. He didn't know why he didn't, something was definitely wrong and Remus didn't like it.

I'll be back soon, hun. i'm sorry for taking so long.

Remus stared blankly at the message, the unwanted feeling growing. He hated when people used allot of grammar in messages. It usually meant that they were angry or that they didn't want to talk to you. Remus' mind went right to the latter.

Janus didn't want to talk to him? No... that couldn't be right. Could it..?

Remus hugged his bloody ghost plushy to his chest as he thought of a response. He didn't feel loved like he usually did when Janus texted him.

oh ok... sorry for bothering you :) have fun

He set his phone down and sighed, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall. Despite the way he acted on camera and in front other people, Remus craved affection, attention and love. No one other than Janus knew this though. The disturbing demeanour Remus causally puts on is a sort of safe place for him. It wasn't the real Remus.


Remus jumped slightly and looked at his phone, feeling himself go numb from holding back the tears.

You didn't bother me, honey! Also, Patton asked me to stay over, will you be okay alone for one night?

Alone...? Remus shook his head, gripping onto his phone so tightly it almost snapped in half. Janus knew that Remus hated being alone. Wow. He... he really doesn't care anymore... Remus felt a tinge of anger inside of him, it wasn't much but it was there and before he knew it, he was typing a response.

you know i don't like being alone.. Jan please can you come home? i don't get why you're even there in the first place! you told me you hated them...

Remus, I can come back if you need me to. That's the reason I asked. I'm here because I'm trying to make things right between us all. I'm not doing this for selfish reasons

i never said u were being selfish and idc anymore... stay there u seem happier with them anyway

You're not making any sense, sweetheart. I just want what's best for you and if that means gaining the trust of the light sides then that's what I'll do. It's what I'm doing... I'm trying to help you.

Janus bit anxiously at his sleeve as he waited for a response. He could understand why Remus was upset, of course he could. But, he was only trying to help him. To get the light sides to accept him and Remus, Janus knew that he would have to convince them somehow. Spending time with them and talking about life in the darkside, obviously leaving out private information, was a start.

He shivered as Roman glanced over his shoulder, sighing under his breath. "This isn't a good sign." Roman poked Janus in the cheek with a stick of Pocky.

"Thanks Roman, I didn't notice." Janus rolled his eyes and stood up, walking into the living room.


i don't need your help just leave me alone

I still don't understand why this turned into an argument.. i never meant to hurt your feelings, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said anything

I said leave me alone, Deceit.

Janus froze as he read the last message over and over. Deceit? Remus had promised ages ago never to call Janus by that name. He knew the negative affect it had on him. The memories. Janus whimpered pathetically into his sleeve, not wanting to be heard. A cold tear ran down his scaled cheek as he held back a shaky sob, feeling his breathing falter. He really hadn't meant to hurt Remus' feelings so badly.

What had he done wrong..?

Remus ran his fingers through his messy hair as he gritted his teeth. He already regretted sending that message. He knew that Janus hadn't done anything wrong, he didn't deserve the way Remus had spoken to him. 'For fuck sake, Remus, why are you so stupid?'
A voice echoed in his head causing Remus to flinch. Greatttt. The voices are back.

'Congratulations. You've pushed away the only person who loved you. You know all the terrible memories the name Deceit gives him! Especially from you.' Remus held his head in his hands and whimpered, knowing no one was around to hear him. He wasn't thinking when he said those things. Remus knew that wasn't an excuse though, he'd hurt the person he loved the most.

He'd gone too far, hadn't he?

is that a... cLifFhAngeR??? agaIn??? gosh darn it Ramen!! 😡
ahA- my apologies 😎

woAh- that new video thooo! i bet the Prinxiety shippers were squealing like hell 😌

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddss!!

I love you all! 💞

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