
1K 53 17

Tw: very slight swearing
Au: X
Words: 744

October 26th 2020
5 days until Halloween 🎃

Remus crossed his arms as he watched his boyfriend stumble into the room, his face paler than usual. "Jan, please sit down." He walked over to Janus and pressed a hand to his forehead, noticing how Janus smiled weakly and leaned to the touch.

Remus sighed and picked Janus up carefully, sitting down on the sofa with him. Gently, Remus led him down so Jay's face was resting comfortably on Remus' neck. "I'm fine, 'Mus... I have work to do-" Janus tried to protest, he shivered and whimpered before continuing. "-lemme get up.."

"Nooo. It's okay to admit that you're sick, sweetie, you realise that, right?" Remus pressed a gentle kiss to Janus' warm forehead. He knew that Janus hated coming across as weak, he always had. By having that mindset, Janus wouldn't let anyone take care of him when he was unwell or upset, unless it was Remus. But for some reason, this time he wouldn't allow his boyfriend to help.

"N-no. I'm not sssick... I don't get sssick." Janus held his stomach and whimpered into his sleeve, tears of frustration forming in his eyes. "I-I just want a hug..." It slipped out. He didn't intend to say that out loud. It's not like anything bad would happen, but Janus wasn't usually the one who asked for affection.

A gentle smile formed on Remus' lips as he wrapped his arms carefully around Janus' waist, sliding a hand up to run through his hair. Janus sighed contently and held onto Remus' shirt loosely. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Remus spoke up. "Please let me take care of you." Janus looked away and shook his head, attempting to get up. He felt slightly better anyway. He'd be fine.

"Janus." Remus' voice was soft but stern at the same time, he held firmly onto Janus' waist, holding him in place without causing him any discomfort. Jan instantly stopped moving and looked into Remus' eyes, pouting. His name for some reason sounded weird coming from Remus, especially in the firm tone he'd used.

He sniffled and flopped back onto Remus' chest in defeat, shivering despite having stolen his boyfriend's warmth. Remus nodded and snapped so he was holding a damp cloth, pressing it gently against Janus' forehead. The snake smiled at the feeling and began to relax in Remus' arms. "Thank you." Remus said, thankful that Janus was finally letting him help. Janus remained silent, still sulking.

Remus tilted his head and summoned some thick blankets, wrapping Janus up in them to keep him warm. "I upset you, didn't I? I'm sorry, baby." Remus made sure that his voice was soft and trailed his fingers across Jan's scales, hoping to see him smile again.

Janus raised an eyebrow and hissed happily, purring quietly. "You are forgiven. Anyway, I'm the one who should be apologising, thank you for sstill wanting to take care of me..." Janus winced as he leaned up slightly, wanting to kiss Remus' cheek. He pouted and tugged weakly at Rem's shirt, whining impatiently.

"That's quite alright, baby snake." Remus giggled and leaned down, making it easier for Janus to kiss his cheek. Janus smiled happily and scattered kisses everywhere he could reach, leaving out Remus' lips, not wanting to get him sick.

A quiet snap caused Janus to look up, seeing Remus holding a glass of water and a pill, he squeaked and shook his head.

"C'mon, honey, it'll help!" Remus held Janus' face still so he wouldn't make his headache worse. After a bit of coaxing, Janus eventually took the medicine, huffing and hiding his face again.

He tilted his head slightly to look up at Remus and smiled, feeling a bit better than before. "Thank you for everything, 'Mus. I'm ssorry for being a pain in the ass..."

Remus chuckled fondly and gently stroked Janus' scales, listening to his soft purrs. He held back the dirty joke that formed in the back of his mind for once.  "Anything for you, my stubborn little snake."

hiii i am very hyper and cold!!

I'm so sorry that this is late, I wrote it whilst waiting in a laundrette and then my data wouldn't work so I had to wait until I got back to da hotel, I hope it was worth it 😅💞

Anywayssss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaanddsss!!

I love you all 💞

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