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TW: slight angst,kinda self harm..?, fluff at the endddd!
Au: X
Requested by: X
Words: 376

Deceit sat on his bed in his hoodie, slowly tightening the strings around his neck. He'd done this for a while now. It'd come a sort of hobby for him and he knew it wasn't a good thing. But, this time was different.. he pulled tighter and didn't stop like he usually did.

However, he was stopped by a knock at the door maybe someone had heard the sharp breaths he let out as he gasped for air. Then a voice called from the other side of the door, "Hey, Dee? Are you okay..?" It was Remus. Deceit relaxed at the sound of his boyfriends voice and let his hands fall into his lap.

"Y-yeah I-I'm okay.." His voice was raspy and broken. Dee immediately knew that Remus could tell he was lying. And he was correct.

Almost as soon as the words left Deceit's mouth, the door swung open and Remus walked over, sitting next to Deceit on the bed. "What's wron-" Remus paused when he saw the red mark on Deceit's neck. He knew straight away what had happened.

"Dee, honey, you promised you wouldn't do this again..." Remus gently ran his fingers down the marks and frowns. He could be gentle when he needed to be especially around and towards Deceit.

Dee looked away from him and mumbled some sort of excuse. "It didn't hurt though.." He was still lying and that alone hurt him, he hated lying to Remus. The pain in his neck grew worse and he whimpered quietly.

Remus sighed and pulled the snake-like trait into a protective hug. He rested his head on the backboard of the bed as a cuddly Deceit snuggled up to his chest. Remus ran his fingers through Deceit's hair trying his best to distract Dee from what had happened.

Deceit eventually calmed down and cuddled closer to his perfect boyfriend. He smiled up at Remus, receiving one back from him. They both knew that cuddles wouldn't fix their problems forever. But in that moment of love and comfort, they really didn't care.

I hope that wasn't too bad! Ohh and I take requests! :p

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