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Tw: panic attack, crying and shouting

Genre: angst-fluff

Au: X

Words: 1059

Remus stood silently as he was yelled at by his brother. He was used to it by now. But this time something was different. Six words that normally wouldn't have affected him, finally caused Remus to break down.


The words stung and left Remus frozen. He knew that Roman meant it. Of course he did. Why wouldn't he? Remus felt his breathing quicken, it was harder to breathe. He was shaking violent and his vision was blurring. The grey streak in his hair was spreading quickly but not as fast as his breathing.

Roman watched as his brother took a sharp breath as fell to the ground. He didn't know what to do. He didn't expect Remus to react like that usually he'd just laugh it off. Maybe this time he went too far? Through his panic, he called for the first side that came to his mind.


Within seconds the snake-like side appeared and looked at Roman, obviously confused. Then, he saw Remus. Deceit dropped to his knees and pulled Remus to his chest Dee began to tear up, he checked Remus' pulse and smiled slightly. "He's breathing." He mumbled almost to himself.
Then, on instinct he ran his fingers through Remus' hair. This was when he noticed that the grey streak was bigger which only happened when Remus was stressed or scared.  Deceit knew that Remus got like this sometimes but there was always a reason.

Deceit looked up at Roman, who's expression was a mixture of fear and guilt. "What did you do?" Dee's voice was cold and bitter. Roman definitely knew that he'd fucked up bad. "ROMAN ANSWER ME" Deceit yelled, no longer able to contain his anger. He couldn't control himself, Remus couldn't stop him from snapping like he usually did. Roman flinched and took a step back. He wasn't used to being yelled at but he knew he deserved it. Deceit buried his face in Remus' hair and let his tears fall.

"I-I" Roman was cut off by someone shouting his name.
He turned to see Patton, Logan and Virgil running towards him. "Great.. that'sss all I-I need." Roman instantly felt even more bad. He knew that Deceit was only helping Remus. He didn't deserve to be harassed by the light sides. No one deserved to be treated the way that the dark sides were.

"Why is snakeface here?" Virgil asked coldly, looking at Deceit not noticing that he was holding Remus in his arms. Roman remained silent as he was flooded with questions. "Did Deceit hurt you?" Patton asked, causing Deceit to laugh bitterly. Roman shook his head and pointed to Remus. Silence.

After a few moments, Patton broke the silence. "What happened..?" Deceit turned to Roman, his eyes we're full of tears and anger. "Care to explain what happened Roman, as I-I don't even know myself?" Deceit's voice was cold. Roman nodded and began to explain what happened.

While this was happening, Virgil walked over to his old friends. Memories began flooding back from times he had seen Remus like this before. Anxiety knelt down next to Deceit and sniffled. "C-can I touch you..?" Virgil's voice was soft and filled with sadness. As soon as he saw Dece nod he basically latched himself onto him. Deceit held Remus and Virgil close and he took small breathes himself. Neither of them would admit it but they missed each other, they missed the times they had spent together and the happiness that they had felt. Sure, Deceit was happy with Remus, of course he was but both of them missed Virgil.

Once Roman was finished his explanation, he looked at the ground in shame. "Roman, you do realise the severity of what you have done, correct?" Logan finally spoke. Roman nodded and looked up slowly.

Patton walked over to the three sides that were sat on the ground and knelt down next to them. "Is he okay..?" Morality asked Deceit, his voice containing genuine concern which Deceit was not used to. Dece nodded "He'll be okay. I'll just take him b-" Deceit was interrupted by a now emotional Virgil.

"Can they come to the light side? Please I don't want them to be alone, dad." Anxiety looked at Patton who nodded. "Of course they can." Deceit sat in shock, he didn't expect that.

"Are you sssure you don't mind?" Deceit asked for the fifth time that evening as they all entered the light side of Thomas' mind. "Of course we don't mind! Don't be silly." Patton replied sweetly. Deceit nodded and sat on the couch with Remus, who was now snoring softly, still snuggled up in his lap, a fistful of Dee's shirt in his hand. Virgil sat next to him and gave Dee enough time to tell him to go away before cuddling up to his old friends.

Soon, Remus had woken up and was immediately flooded with apologies from his brother, affection from his boyfriend and love from his friends. "It's okay, Roman, honestly." Remus smiled softly as Roman apologied for the hundredth time.

Deceit pressed soft kisses on Remus' forehead and cheeks as he made sure that The Duke was okay. "I love you, Rem.." He mumbled as he played with Remus' hair which was back to its normal brown with a small grey streak. "I love you too Dee Dee. Thank you for caring about me." Remus smiled and captured Deceit's lips in a gentle but meaningful kiss.

The three sides just talked and caught up, smiling and laughing throughout the conversations. Soon, Patton came in with snacks, Logan with drinks and Roman with a bunch of Disney movies. They all let Remus pick the movie and the evening consisted of cuddles, laughter and genuine smiles. Even Logan laughed and smiled more that he ever had in the past.

Now this was famILY.

Oh my goodness. I had to rewrite that three times because I'm stoopid and running on two hours of sleep. I accidentally deleted in the first and the second time half of it disappeared sooo yeah. I hope it was okay! I'm so sorry if it wasn't..

Love you guys! Stay safe and don't be like me! 💛

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