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Tw: alcohol, fake blood, slight sexual innuendos (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 1510

October 31st 2020
It's Halloween!!! 🎃👻

Janus looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, fixing his makeup. He was nervous about the Halloween party him and Remus were going to, even though it would just be him, Remus, Roman, Patton, Logan and Virgil.

"Be honest with me, love, do I look ssstupid?" Janus walked into the living room where Remus was sat putting on his heels. Remus looked up at his boyfriend and smirked. "You look stunning, Jay." He stood up and walked over to Janus, his heels clicking against the floorboards. Janus smiled slightly, his nerves slightly reassured and hugged Remus tightly, making sure not to get any make up on his shirt.

"Thank you, darling." Janus looked at the clock and reluctantly pulled away from the hug, running a finger across the neck ruffle Remus was wearing. "We should get going." He leaned up and kissed Remus' hair before walking over to grab his bag. Remus nodded and turned off the lights in the kitchen, turning around when he heard a soft clink. Confused, Remus raised an eyebrow and looked over at Janus who was stood innocently with his bag.

"Whatcha got there, hun?" Remus asked, holding onto Janus' hand. Janus hummed softly and giggled. "Nothing! Lets go." And with that, Janus squeezed Remus' hand and they both sank out.

They appeared in the light side of Thomas' mind and were immediately greeted by Roman who was dressed as a blood covered nurse. "Hiya guys!" Roman grabbed both of their hands and dragged them into the kitchen. Janus squeaked as he was dragged and Remus chuckled fondly. The kitchen had Halloween decorations everywhere, snacks and drinks covering the table. Everything fitted with the spooky theme.

"Hi!" Patton jumped off of the counter, his cape flowing behind him. "Eeee we're twins!" He ran over and hugged Janus who despite his surprise, returned the hug. Both Patton and Janus were vampires which just filled Patton with more joy.

Virgil walked into the kitchen and looked at Remus, clicking his fingers. "Sick costume." He was also dressed as a clown, their different colour themes actually fitting well together. "Thanks, Virge! You look awesome." Remus replied, throwing the sweets he'd brought onto the table.

Soon enough, everyone was gathered in the living room. Janus was led down on the floor with his head resting on Remus' thigh, Roman was sat on Patton's lap and Logan was sat normally of course, with Virgil leaning against his side. "Let's watch a horror movie!" Virgil spoke up, Remus and Janus nodded. Roman gasped and shook his head, crossing his arms.

"But they're scary..." Roman pouted, curling up on Patton's lap. "Yeah, that's kinda the point." Remus smirked, his sarcastic tone getting him a gentle slap on the thigh from Janus. "Fine." Roman huffed and turned on Netflix. After a while of arguing over horror movies, everyone settled on a horror comedy called 'Little Evil.'

Around under halfway through the movie, Virgil leaned over and whispered something to Janus who then nodded. Janus got up from his
comfy spot and excused himself to go and get a drink. Remus tilted his head and pouted when Janus moved. Once Janus had left, Remus' mind began up slowly piece things together. "Virgil, what drink is he getting?" Remus turned to look at Virge and stared directly into his eyes.

Virgil shifted around awkwardly and bit at his nails. "How am I supposed to know?" He put on his usual sarcastic voice and looked away from the intrusive side. "I think you do know." Remus sighed and looked over at the door, a giggle coming from the kitchen. He stood up despite Virgil trying to stop him and walked into the kitchen.

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