
926 43 44

Tw: crying, claustrophobia, fainting and mentions of a bruise
Au: X
Words: 670

October 28th 2020
3 days until Halloween 🎃

The sound of shovels battling against the muddy ground caused Janus to wake up. Once he opened his eyes, he was immediately plunged into darkness. A shaky and frightened breath left him as he tried to move, realising now that he was unable to. He was surrounded by what felt like wooden walls and a sturdy oak ceiling.

He let out a distressed sob and hit his fists against the wood that trapped him, his weak attempts at escaping failing miserably. How had he gotten here? Where was he? Would he ever get out? Many questions swirled around in Janus' mind, all left unanswered, tripping over each other in a whirlwind of panic.

As his claustrophobia consumed him, Janus screamed and gasped for air. It felt as if he was suffocating. Drowning in an ocean of  his own screams.

Suddenly, a bright light hit Janus square in the face, interrupting his screams of anguish. "Janus, sweetheart. It's okay, I'm here, you're safe." Remus' voice caused Janus to snap back to reality, his surroundings becoming more clear to him by the second. He was sat on Remus' lap in their bed, Janus' hand tightly gripping onto Remus' shirt as Remus held the other safely in his own.

Janus whimpered and gasped for air before everything went black once again. Remus took a breath and caught Janus as he fainted, resting a hand on the back of his boyfriend's head. He'd been woken up by Janus screaming, obviously worrying the hell out of him. After turning on the light, Remus pieced together that Janus was having a nightmare.

Remus knew that Janus' night terrors could get bad but this was the worst one that Remus had ever witnessed. He had attempted to wake Janus up whilst he was dreaming but that only got him a fist to the face from the terrified man. Remus didn't mind, but he knew that Janus would
feel horrible when he saw the bruise.

A while later, a much more calm Janus woke up properly this time. Remus smiled and held a glass of water to his lips, helping Jan drink it. Remus set the empty glass on the bedside table and rubbed circles gently on Janus' back, humming softly. Janus sighed and felt himself relax and he lifted his head up slightly, gasping quietly. "Did I do that..?" He stared at the small bruise on Remus' cheek and felt himself tear up. He felt awful. "I'm ssso sssorry!" He sniffled and kissed Remus' nose, desperately apologising.

"Awh, it's okay, sweetie. It was an accident." Remus smiled and kissed Janus gently, continuing to play with his hair. Janus ignored the guilt that was still burning inside of him and kissed back, his hands shaking a little. They pulled away and Remus held both of Janus' hands in his own, somehow making the shaking stop. He knew exactly how to calm Janus down and Jay couldn't be more thankful.

"Does it hurt?" Janus asked as he led on Remus' chest, looking up at him. It was around four in the morning and the two were attempting to go back to sleep. But Janus still felt the burning guilt, he wouldn't ever forgive himself for hurting Remus. Even if it was an accident.

Remus chuckled softly and kissed Janus' hair, pulling the heavy blanket over them both. "Nah it doesn't hurt, try and get some more sleep, love. I'm here to protect you." As those comforting words left Remus' lips, Janus relaxed in his arms and finally closed his eyes.

Soon enough, they were both asleep. Cuddled up, warm, comfortable and safe in each other's arms.

hiya! i got a new phone!! writing is much easier for me now so that's good :))

how are you all? i feel like I should ask that more often <3

anywaysss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddss!!

I love you all! 💕

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