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Tw: none!
Au: human?
Words: 434

October 13th 2020
18 days until Halloween 🎃

"This is why I don't usually trust you with directionsss." Janus glanced over at his boyfriend as they neared a dimly lit lane. Remus giggled innocently and held tightly onto Janus' hand.

"My apologies, darling." Despite his recklessness, Remus was concerned for Janus' safety basically all the time, especially now. Not only because it was dark but also because of how Jan had been treated in the past. Remus remembers Janus telling him all of the mean and disrespectful things people had said to him because of his scales. Janus had done nothing to deserve being treated that way and Remus was there to keep him safe from now on.

This had definitely caused Remus to become overprotective, not that Janus minded. He found it adorable. "We're not completely lost, sweetheart. I've got my phone." Remus pulled Janus closer to him as he shivered. "We need to get you warmed up."

Janus nodded and stopped walking, looking over at the houses scattered around the outskirts of the countryside. Each house was spookily decorated in their own ways for Halloween. "This place is beautiful." He muttered, feeling Remus' arms wrap around his waist.

Remus rested his chin on Janus' head and smiled, admiring his surroundings. "Just like you." He smirked as Janus turned around in his arms, slithering his own arms around Remus' neck.

"Thank you, love." Janus leaned up and kissed him gently, sliding a hand up to run through the back of Remus' hair. Remus kissed back and shivered at his touch, allowing his hands to travel down, resting just above Janus' ass. As they pulled away, they stared into each other's eyes for a while. It was as if they'd fallen in love with one another all over again.

"I love you, 'Mus." Janus wrapped his arms around Remus' waist, half to hide his blush and half to steal his warmth.

Remus chuckled softly and picked Janus up in his arms, keeping his snek as warm and cozy as he could. "I love you too, baby." He used his spare hand to get his phone out, finding the directions home rather quickly.

Despite the fact that they'd gotten lost, it was definitely a walk that neither of them would forget.

hii! i'm sorry that this is so much shorter than usual, I have a really bad headache but I wanted to write something for you all!

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter anyway. :)

and please remember: stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddss!!

I love you all. 💕

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