⚠︎︎Don't leave me

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Tw: mentions of tears, swearing, food mentions. (smol angst-fluff)
Au: X
Requested by: X
Words: 828

The door to the dark side opened slowly as Janus entered, sniffling softly. He did it. He told them his name. But did it go how he had hoped? No. Of course it didn't! Nothing ever did sure, he was used to it by now but something about what happened this time confused him.

Dee stood nervously at Remus' door debating wether or not to bother him. He knew that Remus said he could come to him about anything but when it actually came to doing so, it was for some reason difficult.

After finally building up the courage, he knocked on the dark green door. A few shuffles and a small crash could be heard from inside before the door was swung open.

"DeeDee, you're back!" Remus smiled widely, pulling his snek into a tight hug. He always got worried when Janus was with the lights, I mean, who could blame him? He's already lost two people to them.

Janus smiled and hugged back, resting his head on Rem's shoulder, staying silent. This worried Remus who picked the deceitful side up in his arms and carried him into the room.

Once they were inside, Remus was able to get Dee to speak after some cuddles of course.

"Roman laughed at my name... he called me a 'middle school librarian' I know it's sssilly of me to get upset over it but, he called my name ssstupid, Rem, It hurt." Jan looked up at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes, he wasn't as strong as he made himself out to be.

Remus however, was strong. He was also very protective of Janus so he knew immediately that he needed to talk to Roman. "It's okay, honey, you didn't deserve what Roman said to you and your name isn't stupid. I think it's beautiful." Remus pressed a soft kiss to Dee's nose as he finished speaking, smiling as he felt Dee relax in his arms. He was going to be okay.

Time skip brought to you by Joan 😄🧡

It was a few hours later and Janus was reading on the sofa (aha British) whilst Remus cooked dinner, risky I know. Whilst the food was in the oven, Rem came into the living room and sat down next to his lover. "Heya Dee, can I ask you something?"

Janus put his book down and nodded, putting all his attention on Remus. "Yeah, of course." He tilted his head slightly to the side as he waited for Rem to continue.

"What else happened when you went to the light side?" The Duke asked innocently. Janus froze momentarily as he recollected his memories. Shit. He hadn't told Remus that he'd been accepted by Patton and Thomas.

He decided that Remus deserved to know. Of course he did. "I- um, Roman called me evil and sssunk out, Patton and Thomas talked about me like I wasn't there for a bit and uh," His voice dropped in volume as he continued. "Patton and Thomas accepted me."

He looked at Remus, who's face held an unreadable expression. But Janus knew what he was thinking. "Are you gonna leave me too..?" The intrusive side teared up, he wasn't ready to lose someone else to the lights, especially not his DeeDee.

Janus' heart broke at that, he knew it was most likely coming but it stung. "Remus, baby, no of course I'm not. I promised you that I would never leave you and that is a promise that I will never break. I don't care what Patton sssays, until you're accepted too, I'm not going anywhere and even then, I'm going to ssstay with you no matter what. Like I sssaid before, I love you and you're ssstuck with me forever."

Remus seemed to brighten at that, he threw himself into Janus' arms and held him tightly. "I love you too, Dee."

Jan smiled as he held his boyfriend close, leaning down to kiss him softly. Rem of course kissed back, wrapping his arms around Janus' neck and shivering slightly as he felt Dee's hands hold his waist.

They pulled away at the sound of the oven beeping, the food was done. Remus groaned and pressed a quick kiss to Dee's lips before getting up to go turn off the oven. Janus giggled and smiled as he watched Remus walk away.

Dee smirked and got up as well to help set the table. Definitely not just to stare at Remus as he bent down to get the plates out. Nope.

Hey! I'm sorry that I haven't updated much, I'm quite stressed at the moment and I get headaches everyday. But other than that, I'm think I'm doing okay.

I hope you liked this chapter- I know it's not one of my best.

Requested are still closed, I apologise!

Anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannndddssss!

Ily all! 💕

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