🖤29~Scary Movies🧡

802 42 15

Tw: slight swearing (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 670

October 29th 2020
2 days until Halloween 🎃

"C'mon, JayJay. It's not even that scary! I promise." Remus giggled from the sofa, holding up a horror movie dvd. He'd been begging Janus to watch it with him all day and the snake had been adamant that he would not. But alas, Janus knew he couldn't say no forever, especially not when Remus put on his pouty face.

Janus sighed loudly and crossed his arms. "Fine. But if I die from a heart attack, that's on you." He huffed and flopped onto Remus' chest, hitting him with a sofa cushion. Remus squeaked and slapped Janus' ass, smirking. "You slut!" Janus giggled and poked his thigh.

"Only for you, darling." Remus purred, snapping so the movie was starting. Janus blushed and rested his head on Remus' chest, looking over at the tv. Quietly, Rem snapped his fingers, making some popcorn and drinks appear, setting them on the floor. He looked down at the deceptive trait in his arms and held him close, playing with the back of his hair.

As the movie began, Janus' eyes were slowly looking around the room, searching for an object to focus on of things got too frightening. The movie that Remus had picked was Annabelle and Janus was terrified of dolls. Not that he'd ever admitted it to anyone. A loud thud and a scream came from the tv and Janus squeaked quietly, forcing himself to keep watching. He wanted to make Remus happy, even if that meant that Janus would be terrified whilst doing so.

They were just under halfway through the film and the jump scares kept becoming more frequent. By now, Janus had worked out when they were coming which had calmed him slightly as well as the comfort of Remus' fingers slowly combing through his hair. Janus knew that when they music became more intense or when it went completely silent, he would have to prepare himself for something sudden, scary and loud.

Janus was fine with the jump scares by now but now he had to suffer with his other fear. The doll. He jumped harshly as the doll came on screen, to some it may have seemed like an overreaction, but Janus was genuinely terrified. Remus looked down at his shaking boyfriend and gently kissed his hair, rubbing circles on his back. "It's okay, honey." He turned the volume down on the tv and ruffled Janus' hair. "I'm proud of you for getting this far."

"Th-Thanksss." Janus lifted his head up a bit and looked into Remus' eyes, ignoring what was happening in the movie. "You're ssso damn beautiful." Janus mumbled. The way Remus' face turned bright red told the snake that he'd heard him.

"Hehe, thank you, Snakey." Remus wiggled his eyebrows and picked up a piece of popcorn, holding it in his teeth. Janus blushed lightly and rested his hand on Rem's thigh to lean up, eating the piece of popcorn. "Adorable." Remus pulled Janus forward and kissed him passionately, almost immediately running his tongue across his bottom lip. Janus giggled into the kiss and parted his lips, pushing Remus down against the sofa more. Remus slipped his tongue in and pulled Jay closer by his hair, deepening the kiss.

As they pulled away, panting softly, Janus turned so his back was facing the tv and cuddled more into Remus' chest. Remus smiled and pressed gentle kisses onto Janus' face as he watched the movie. At least now they were both content, enjoying each other's company as the moonlight shone through the gaps in the curtains.

:0 two days!!

i come back from my holiday tomorrow so the update might be a bit late but I will try my best to keep this as consistent as I can :)

thank you all so much for being so understanding! it really helps me.

anywaysSsS, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haannddsss!!

I love you all 💕

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