🖤30~Midnight Ball🧡

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Tw: swearing (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: human
Words: 1411

October 30th 2020
1 day until Halloween 🎃

Tonight was the night that so many people were looking forward to. Even people who weren't invited were still excited about the Halloween Midnight Ball. What's so special about this event? I hear you asking. Well, let me explain.

It's a party that's hosted every year on All Hallows Eve by the Prince family, who were all rich, extravagant and extra. Basically everyone in the town wanted to be invited but it was mainly close friends, colleagues and family that got to go. However, a lucky group of people would be invited as well. This was very hard to achieve though, especially with all the people that wanted to go. You had to be extremely lucky.

Two of those lucky people were Janus and his best friend Virgil. They had both entered their names as a joke but when they actually ended up getting in, they were both hella excited. Despite their excitement, both were still slightly unsure about the big social event.

"It's gonna be so crowded, Jan..." Virgil muttered, smoothing out his vampire cape. Although they were both looking forward to the party, anxiety still stuck to the boys like glue.
"I know, Virge, but we'll be okay. I think... hey, look on the bright side!" Janus looked at Virgil through the mirror. "-at least we don't have to worry about anyone knowing us there. No one we know got in." He began applying foundation to the scar that was covering one half of his face.

Virgil relaxed slightly and nodded. He knew his friend was right but still, a party ran by rich people... not really a place you'd expect to see two normal teenagers. "I guess you're right." Virgil picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, watching Janus spin around in his Victorian style dress. "Yeah, yeah, you look gorgeous, bitch. Now let's go." He chuckled, grabbing Janus' arm and dragging him out the door.

🧡time skip to when they arrive at the Ball🖤

Once they were there, they looked around absolutely amazed. The hall was decorated beautifully with Halloween themes everywhere. Even the chairs looked as if they belonged in a vampires castle. "Holy shit." Janus said under his breath, looking around at everything and everyone that was in the room. "I know right.." Virgil muttered, admiring what people
were wearing. Everyone was dressed up in Halloween costumes and you could still tell who all of the rich people were.

Talking of rich people, here come the hosts. Mr and Mrs Prince walked into the ballroom followed by their two sons, Roman and Remus. Janus froze as his eyes landed on Remus, a unusual fluttering sensation began in his stomach. Virgil rolled his eyes at the family, not that they noticed, and looked over at his friend, noticing the love-struck expression on his face.

"Earth to Janus, hello? You good fam?" Vigil smirked and nudged him, laughing when Janus jumped and shook his head to rid of his thoughts. "Huh- what?" Janus reluctantly took his eyes off of Remus and looked at Virgil. "You like him. Don't you?" Virgil asked sarcastically just to tease his friend. Janus huffed and crossed his arms, a light blush spreading across his cheeks.

"What? No! Of course I don't. Anyway, he's way out of my league..." Janus sighed and sipped the punch he'd been handed by a waiter. "Bullshit." Virgil remarked, setting his own cup down on the table they were standing near. "I dare you to go talk to him." Virgil said, the smirk on his face growing.

Janus almost choked on his drink, staring at Virgil as if he'd just murdered his entire family. "Are you insane?! No!" He whispered sharply as Remus happened to walk nearer to them, talking to a group of people. "If you do it, I'll talk to that guy at school who I like." Virgil crossed his arms and glanced over at Remus, noticing that he was looking in Janus' direction. Janus had his back to Remus though.

Janus gritted his teeth and sighed inwardly, considering this in his head. "Y'know what, fine." He put his drink down and took a breath, holding onto the sides of his dress. "Welp, wish me luck." Janus gave Virgil one last glare before turning around and walking in Remus' direction. "Good luck, hoe." Virgil muttered as his friend walked away. He couldn't lie, he was proud of Janus for actually doing it.

Janus stood to one side of Remus, still holding onto his dress to stop his hands from shaking. He glanced over at him and their eyes met for the first time. Remus smiled kindly (a smile which his family rarely saw) and walked over to Janus, his eyes travelling down to admire his dress. "Hey, beautiful, what's your name?" Remus' voice was smooth and soft, the sound of it caused Janus' blush too deepen noticeably.

"U-Um, Janus. It's nice to meet you, Remus." Janus smiled nervously, following Remus' gaze, taking the chance to properly look at Remus' outfit. He was dressed as a pirate and of had of course found a way to be shirtless. Janus sure that his face was completely red by now, struggling to keep his eyes off of Remus' abs.

Remus chuckled softly, noticing where Janus was looking. He recalled his parents telling him earlier that he should use this party as a way to find a girlfriend but y'know... he was kinda gay. And damn was Janus absolutely gorgeous. "Cute. Just like you." He was never good at flirting but after observing Roman's many relationships, Remus had gotten a faint idea. I mean, it looked as if it was working.

"Th-Thanks, so are you." Janus bit his lip and shifted around slightly, trying to rid of his blush. His eyes widened a
bit as Remus held out his hand for Janus to take. "May I have this dance?" Remus asked as a slow song began to play on the speakers. Janus hesitated for a few seconds before taking Remus' hand. "You may."

Janus allowed himself to be lead into the middle of the ballroom, his breath hitching as one of Remus' hands held his waist. There were other people around them which had calmed Janus' nerves, well, some of them at least. Janus smiled nervously and rested his hands on Remus' shoulders as they danced to the gentle notes of the song. His dress flowed as he was carefully spun around, he giggled softly when he was back in Remus' arms.

Out of the corner of his eye, Janus noticed Virgil watching, a proud look was evident on the Emo's face. Janus winked at his friend before being pulled closer by Remus as the song came to the last chorus. Their faces were only inches apart and by this time, both of them were blushing deeply. Remus moved a strand of hair out of Janus' face and gently caressed his cheek, their faces inching closer. Janus shivered at the touch and nodded.

Remus leaned down and kissed Janus softly after receiving the nod. Janus kissed back instantly and wrapped his arms around Remus' neck, not caring that they were in a room full of people. The kiss was passionate yet gentle, it was perfect. As they separated, Janus stared into Remus' eyes, shocked by what just happened. Both of their faces were on fire.

Then, the sound of cheering and clapping erupted from the audience. Virgil despite his anxiety, had been the one to start it, followed by a very excited and proud Roman then basically everyone else in the room. Janus squeaked and hid his face in Remus' neck, taking the chance to place a hand on his chest. Remus smirked and held Janus protectively, kissing his hair. "I gotta say, you're a really good kisser~" Remus whispered into Janus' ear, causing the shorter male's blush to deeper more if it were possible.

Maybe going to the Midnight Ball wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Halloween is tomorrow!! Eeeee!

i hope you all liked this chapter, sorry that it took so long to get to the Demus bit- hopefully it was worth it!

my pizza slice is cold 🤧🍕💔

oh and I'm home safe from my holiday if anyone was wondering!

and remember kiddos, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all! 💕

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