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Tw: mentions of insecurities (weight + body image) and crying.  (Please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 1004

hi! this oneshot is special to me as it's based on something i myself go through almost everyday. so i hope that it may help others as well. ♡︎

Janus sighed as he looked in the mirror, his eyebrows knitting together as he starred at his reflection. He had one hand wrapped uncomfortably around his own waist whilst the other held onto the zip of the skirt he was trying on. It was a beautiful black and green skirt that barley reached his knees. Roman had bought it for him as a late birthday gift and Janus accepted out of politeness, despite knowing that it was two sizes too small. Even with this in mind, Janus was determined to try it on, even though he knew this would destroy is already fragile self confidence.

As he expected, the zip wouldn't do up. "Why is this bothering me? I knew it wouldn't fit..." Janus mumbled to himself, gritting his teeth as tears welled up in his eyes. He quickly changed out of the skirt and slipped his jeans back on. A quiet sob escaped from his mouth as he slid down the wall, hugging his knees tightly to his chest.

He remained in this position until the soft clicking of the door opening caught his attention, accompanied with footsteps which were uncharacteristically quiet. Remus had just got home from work and the first thing he heard was the heartbreaking sound of his boyfriend crying. Now, he was sat on the floor of their bedroom, Janus' head buried in the crook of Remus' neck, the tears collecting and running down his collarbone. Remus didn't mind though, he just held Janus close, gently brushing his fingers through Jan's tangled hair.

Janus gripped onto Remus' back like a lifeline, knowing that he'll definitely be embarrassed about this later. One thing that Janus and Remus had in common was that they both hated showing their negative emotions. Remus hid behind a shield of dirty jokes and obnoxious behaviour, whilst Janus presented himself as cold and manipulative. That was all an act though. In reality, although Janus was the classy and sarcastic side everyone knew, only Remus knew the side of Janus that was genuine. The side of Janus that smiled and giggled at Remus' jokes, the side that blushed whenever Remus touched him, the side that enjoyed cuddles and affection- the side that let his emotions out when he needed to. That was the side Remus had grown to love.

"What happened, Jay?" Remus spoke up after a while of comfortable silence, his fingers now carefully trailing across the scales on Janus' cheek. Janus sniffled and dried his eyes with his sleeve, the feeling of weakness and regret already staring to seep in. "Roman g-gave me a ssskirt for my birthday and I-I knew it was to sssmall but I tried it on anyway a-and-" He was interrupted by another sob escaping him. He felt stupid. Not just for trying it on, but for hoping it would fit, for allowing himself to get thus upset by it all, for letting Remus see him like this. He felt so weak.

Remus pulled Janus back to his chest and kissed his hair, his hat having fallen off sometime earlier. "Sweetheart, it's not a bad thing that it doesn't fit. You're perfect and breathtaking the way you are and you're a healthy weight. Just because an item of clothing isn't your size doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you," Despite having a mind filled with erotic humour and twisted thoughts, Remus knew how to handle Janus. He somehow knew just what to say to calm him down, to make him feel better. Janus allowed himself to smile as he felt himself calm down, Remus' kind words almost making him tear up again. "Thank you, 'Mus... I guess I just really wanted it to fit. I like ssskirts because they cover up my thighs and they're what I'm most insecure about, along with my ssstomach." Janus explained, his eyes now heavy from the tears that were drying.

"Jan, you'd look sexy in a garbage bag. I'm not lying when I say you're the most handsome person I know. And it's okay to have insecurities, hell, I've got them too. But we'll always be here to hype each other up when we need it." Remus smiled, not his usual twisted and wicked grin, but a genuine smile. Janus felt his cheeks warm up slightly and he smiled back. "Of course. I love you, y'know." Janus looked away, affection still being new ground for him. "I love you too, JanJan. Wanna cuddle on the sofa? I can tell you've tired yourself out."  With a yawn, Janus nodded, feeling himself being effortlessly lifted up in Remus' strong and safe arms.

The moonlight shone through the window as Remus plopped down onto the sofa. He reached over to grab his phone, careful not to disrupt the sleepy snake in his arms. As Janus fell into a comfortable sleep, Remus spent a while scrolling through different websites, determined to find a skirt that he knew Janus would love. After all, Remus' life goal was to make Janus happy and he would stop at nothing to obtain that goal.

thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it!

also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100k+ READS!!! 🥺💚💛
that's insane! thank you all so much! the support I've gotten from all of you has made me so happy and I couldn't ask for better readers and friends. you've all helped me through so much and if you've been here for a while, thank you so much for sticking with me. and to my new readers, hi! thank you for taking the time to read my book! i honestly love all of you. mwah! ( ˘ ³˘)♡︎

anywayssss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haannndsss!!!

I love you all! 💞

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