❥Morning Snuggles

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Tw: mentions of good crying uhh thats it- pure floof!
Au: X
Requested by: X
Words: 587

Deceit slowly opened his eyes only to be met by the bright sunlight that filtered through the window. They as usual, had forgotten to close the curtains. He snuggled closer to the weight on his chest, listening to the soft snores coming from his boyfriend who's still fast asleep.

Gently, he ran his ungloved fingers across the hickeys he'd left on Remus' neck last night. The memories quickly flooding back to him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around the Intrusive Sides waist, pulling him closer if that was possible. The blush on Dee's cheek spread as Remus snuggled closer to him, his parted lips gently pressed against Deceit's neck.

Deceit couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten. He never expected Remus to have feelings for him. I mean, who would? He was Deceit after all, a liar. He couldn't be trusted. But Remus did trust him. He knew when Dece was lying and he knew that the snek genuinely loved him.

Although it was obvious to the other sides, both Remus and Deceit had been oblivious to each others mutual feelings. Even with all the time they spent together, the late nights, the endless flirting which would always lead to one of them seeming to cosplay as a tomato. It went unnoticed by the two for years.

Everyone was relived when they finally announced they were dating. Deceit had cried tears of happiness and which made a nice change from the bitter and cold tears that usually fell from his mismatched eyes. And as Remus kissed away the tears that fell from his now boyfriends eyes, he had pulled him into a soft kiss that was definitely long awaited by both of them.

Deceits thoughts were cut short by Remus shuffling around on his chest. He looked at him and smiled as he was met with the soft brown eyes that he knew and loved. "Good morning, beautiful." Dee pressed a soft kiss to Remus' forehead as the taller sides smile grew.

"Morning, DeeDee." He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up so he was basically straddling Dee. "How long have you been up for?"

Deceit wrapped his arms around Remus' waist and smiled at the seemingly normal question. "Not that long, I guess around ten-fifteen minuets."

As he processed this, the usually smirk made its way onto Remus' lips. "That's enough time for a murder to make his way upstairs and stab us to death!" He flopped back down on Deceit's chest with a giggle.

"How lovely." Dee rolled his eyes as he was pulled into a kiss. Both sides closed their eyes and smiled into the kiss. Remus slid his arms around Dee's neck and into his hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. They separated for air and another soft kiss was pressed to Deceit's lips.

"I love you, Dee." Remus said, falling uncharacteristically quiet, a light blush spreading across his  cheeks. Deceit smiled at his boyfriends soft tone and pulled him in for another sweet kiss.

"I love you too, honey, and I always will."

hiiii! Hopefully this was a good chapter. :3

It's not one of my best- so to make up for it...

Enjoy this picture of me definitely not being a cannibal!

Enjoy this picture of me definitely not being a cannibal!

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ramenramenramen 🥵🍜

if you've never seen what I look like before- there ya go! I look- ewwww 😂

Anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaaannndssss!

Ily all! 💕

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