🖤27~Karen in isle 69🧡

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Tw: crying, swearing, insults
Au: X
Requested by: Cross1237
Words: 777

October 27th 2020
4 days until Halloween 🎃

Remus wrapped his arms around Janus' waist as they entered the store. Janus had been talking to Patton recently and the dad like trait had of course given Janus to idea to bake something. "I'll be over there, you gonna be okay, baby?" Remus ruffled Janus' hair.

"Mhm!" Janus smiled and leaned up to kiss Remus' cheek before walking over to the baking isle. His eyes traveled across the shelves, looking at all of the food colouring, deciding to go for some Halloween-y colours.

He'd picked up some orange, black and green food colouring and was now looking at the types of flour. He bit his lip and turned his head slightly, sensing that someone was near him. A small cough caught his attention and Janus looked over at a lady who was stood next to him, her arms crossed. Her hair was cut short and her eyes were dark green, she wore a light brown coat and light blue trousers. She looked annoyed.

"I'm sorry, am I in your way?" Janus moved to the side slightly and made sure not to let his lisp slip out, despite his anxiety skyrocketing.

The woman rolled her eyes and continued to stare at Janus, judgement burning in her eyes. "What's wrong with you face?" She asked rather harshly, disgust displayed on her face.

Janus shifted uncomfortably and played with the sleeve of Remus' hoodie that he was wearing. "My f-father sold me to scientists when I was younger. He said he needed the money." The memories started coming back to him, Janus bit his lip harder and looked around, just wanting to disappear.

"How sad. I feel sorry for him, If my child turned into a freak like you I'd kill it." She spat, smiling coldly. "Now get out of my way, you're going to give me nightmares." The lady pushed past him and walked over to the sugar, ignoring the fact that someone was walking towards her.

Janus bit down on his sleeve and held back a sob, her words burning inside of him. He looked up through his tears and saw Remus walking towards the woman. Janus wiped his eyes and stood back, trying to control his breathing. Now he was worrying about Remus' safety.

"Excuse me?"  Remus put on smile that only Janus could tell was fake, he was angry. Janus could see that. The lady on the other hand, smiled back unknowingly, a light blush beginning to spread across her cheeks.

"Oh, hi! Can I help you?" She set her basket down and rested a hand on her hip, trying to look causal but failing. Remus rolled his eyes and was about to speak before being interrupted by her. "You're very handsome by the way." She looked him up and down.

Remus glanced over at Janus who looked as if he was about to cry again. "Thanks. My boyfriend thinks so too." He clicked his tongue and watched as the ladies face formed the expression of shock. "I mean, you being a judgemental bitch towards him wasn't really a good first impression anyway."

Remus dropped the fake smile and glares daggers at her, venom seeping into his voice. "Also, if you so much as look in his direction with those freakish eyes of yours, I won't hesitate to find where you live and make sure you learn some damn manner. Now not to be a hypocrite, but kindly fuck off." 

Once he finished speaking, Remus left the woman standing embarrassed as hell after being finally put in her place. Remus smiled genuinely at Janus and pulled him into a gentle kiss, Janus giggling as Remus' moustache tickled him. "Thank you ssso much, 'Mus... I love you." Janus sniffled and hugged Remus tightly, feeling much safer now
he was in Remus' arms.

"Of course, beautiful. No one talks to you like that and gets away with it, I love you too." Remus walked with Janus to get the rest of the shopping, holding him close, being very overprotective and cautious. "Everything she said to you was absolute bullshit, okay, baby?" Remus cupped Janus' cheeks and kisses his nose. Janus nodded slowly, the woman's words still hurting him. Remus noticed this, but they would talk about it when they got home.

As they were leaving, the couple spotted the lady yelling profanities at a member of staff. I mean, is anyone surprised?

i hope that this turned out okay! <3
im so tired jajahahawhb

anywaysssss, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaanddss!!

I love you all! 💕

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