⚠︎︎Secrets Hurt

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Tw: Angst, mentions of an eating disorder, mentions of food and forced throwing it back up
Au: X
Requested by: KoszuleczkaZmarsa
Words: 638

Remus gripped onto his hair as he forced two fingers down his throat repeatedly, gagging as tears of frustration fell down his cheeks. It didn't usually take this long...

He was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't notice the quiet footsteps of someone entering the bathroom. Deceit stood there shocked, not knowing how to react or what to do. He watched as the distressed side hit the floor with his fists in a short- lived fit of rage.

This was enough for Dee to walk over and kneel down next to Remus, who had only just noticed him. "Dee go a-away.. p-please..." Remus' voice was weak and broken as he hid his face from the concerned trait next to him. "I don't want to.. you shouldn't be doing this to yourssself..." came the reply.

The Duke laughed softly and looked up at him, revealing his tear streaked face, make up running down his cheeks and fresh tears already beginning to fall. "I can't help it.." He turned away again and forced the two fingers down his throat, gagging until he finally managed to throw up into the toilet. Shakily, he shuffled backwards before falling limp into Deceit's arms.

Time skip ❤️

Remus woke up around an hour later, his eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the light. He looked around and realised that he was laying in Deceit's lap, his head resting on the snek's chest. He blushed profusely as his gaze met Deceit's who was lying with his back rested on a pillow.

"I'm glad you're awake" His voice was quiet and gentle very different to how he acted on camera. Rem nodded and smiled, too embarrassed to trust himself to speak. He was mad at himself for allowing Dee to see him in that state. Dece noticed Remus' sad expression and gently pulled him closer, allowing himself to run his fingers through Remus' hair. This seemed to bring him some comfort as Remus loosened his grip on Deceit's cloak and relaxed in his arms.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." Remus mumbled after a few minutes of comforting silence. Dee tilted his head slightly and looked at the trait in his arms. "Didn't tell me what ssweetheart?"
Remus remained silent for a few seconds before replying, "..that I have an eating disorder.." He said this almost ashamed of himself, he knew that he could trust Dee and if he would've told him sooner then they could've talked about it without him worrying Dece shitless.

Dee pressed soft kisses on Remus' forehead and his cheeks as he found the correct way to word his sentences. "It's quite alright, Rem, pleasse don't be to hard on yoursself. You've told me now and I'm more than happy to help you. I care about you ssso much, more than you know, and I'll do anything to help, I promisse." He pressed a soft kiss on Remus' lips as he finished speaking.

Remus teared up once more as he kissed back only this time it was tears of happiness because for once, he felt like things were going to get better.

And they did.

Heya kiddos- definitely not Patton. I hope this was an okay chapter!

I just wanted to say that if anyone is struggling with an eating disorder then please don't listen to people who tell you to "just eat it's not that hard". Don't let people force you out of your comfort zone. Yeah it's important to eat but you should start with small amounts that you can handle.

I believe in you all. We can do this together. Anyway, stay hydrated, stay inside and wash your haaannnddssss!!

Ily all! 💕

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