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you read the title 👀
⚠️please skip this chapter if smut makes you uncomfortable!⚠️
Tw: smut, hemipenis (snakes have two *ahem* dicks if you didn't know-) and swearing.
Au: X
Words: 1050

Remus bit his lip as he concentrated on painting his mask, carefully adding white dots to the black triangles around the eyes. As he was being a clown for Halloween, he decided to make a mask so that he could scare people. He'd also have makeup on underneath but he was going for a more scary look on the mask.

The door opened and Janus walked in, curling up on Remus' legs like a cat, resting his head on Rem's thigh. Remus set his mask down on the side and smiled at his boyfriend. "You okay, sweetie?" Remus asked, playing with Janus' hair as the smaller male nuzzled his thigh.

Janus hissed softly and mumbled something under his breath which Remus couldn't hear. He shuffled up so his head was on Remus' shoulder, rubbing his scaled cheek against him. Remus chuckled and looked over at his mask, planning out in his head what to paint next.

Whilst Remus was distracted by his thoughts, Janus bit his lip and slowly began grinding against Remus' thigh, a small breathy moan leaving his lips. He'd been watching a movie downstairs and a kinky scene had come on, obviously having an effect on the snek.

After a few moments, Remus realised what was happening. He watched as Janus moved his hips slightly faster, holding back his moans. Remus smirked and kissed down Janus' neck, causing him to let a moan slip. Remus kissed down to his collarbone and licked across his warm skin, sucking at his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.

Janus gasped and leaned up to moan in Remus' ear, watching as Rem shivered, sliding his hands down to grab Janus' ass. Swiftly, Remus flipped them both over so he was now on top, pinning Janus down and kissing him roughly. Janus squeaked at the sudden movement but kissed back, smirking at the familiar feeling of Remus' tongue gliding across his bottom lip. He parted his lips and moaned into the kiss as Remus explored his mouth, grinding his hips up to try and get any friction.

Remus noticed this and pinned Janus' hips down, pulling away for air. "Can I take this off, baby?~" He slid his fingers up Janus' shirt, pausing and looking into his eyes. Janus blushed deeply and nodded, whining impatiently. Remus chuckled and slid Janus' shirt off, immediately leaning down and kissing the scales on his chest, knowing that they're very sensitive.

Janus leaned to the touch and moaned shakily, trying desperately to move his hips. "R-Rem, please~" He ran his fingers through Remus' hair and shivered as he kissed down to his waist. Remus smirked and ran his tongue across Janus' chest, looking up at him, his eyes filled with lust.

"Strip~" Remus leaned back up and licked Janus' ear, sitting back up to watch him undress. Janus nodded and hastily stripped down, laying back down once he was done. Remus admired Janus' body and ran his fingers across his thigh, Janus moaning softly. He smirked and began stripping himself, noticing Janus staring at him as he did so.

Once they were both naked, bit his lip and wrapped his hand around one of Janus' dicks, Jan moaning loudly at the touch. "Damn, you're sensitive as fuck~" Remus kissed Janus deeply and stroked his cock, swallowing Janus' moans. He reached over and pulled some lube out of the drawer, lubing up both of Janus' cocks. As they pulled away from the kiss, Janus bucked his hips up, whining loudly when Remus pulled his hand away. "Patience, darling~" Remus purred into his ear, slowly lowering himself down onto Janus' dicks.

Janus moaned loudly and looked up at Remus, waiting for him to adjust. As Remus lowered himself onto Janus fully, both males moaned. After a few seconds, Remus started bouncing, his bounces picking up almost immediately, his moans getting louder. Janus held onto Rem's waist tightly and thrusted up in time of his bounces, his nails digging into Remus' skin.

"F-Faster, baby snake~" Remus growled, tugging harshly at Janus' hair, knowing Jan loves it. Janus gasped and moaned louder, thrusting up into him faster. Soon, they both felt themselves getting closer to their climaxes. Remus rested his hands on Janus' stomach and slammed himself down, a high pitched moan leaving his lips as he released over Janus' chest.

Janus gasped and moaned Remus' name loudly as he released inside him, his eyes rolling back with pleasure. Remus moaning softly at Janus' expression. Both males panted heavily, pulling each other into a gentle and messy kiss. Once they pulled away, Remus carefully pulled himself off and led on Janus' chest.

Remus looked up at his boyfriend and ran his fingers gently across his cheek, kissing his nose. "I'm guessing you enjoyed that, huh, baby?" He chuckled, watching Janus pout hide his face, blushing deeply once again.

"Oh shush, let's get you cleaned up." Janus rubbed Remus' ass and smirked, picking him up and carrying him into their bathroom.

After all, aftercare is important.

wow- i haven't written something like that in ages. i hope it was okay! :))

~rant contains swearing, you don't have to read this :)~

I've had a pretty shitty day tbh, two girls in one of my classes wouldn't shut up so I asked them to and they ignored me. They carried on and I shouted at them to "shut the fuck up. you're fucking annoying." they didn't listen again and started throwing paper at me. I turned around and asked them to please stop they called me a "fucking idiot" and told me to turn around cuz they didn't want to talk to me. they kept talking about me and I got up and left the classroom, my teacher followed me and I started crying out of frustration and anger so that was great. now i gotta talk to my head of house about it tomorrow and the girls are in alot of my classes.
sorry for the rant i'm not doing well cuz of them. :/

but I'm okay :)

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaaannddsss!!

I love you all. 💕

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