His Royalty (pt1)

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Tw: mentions of beheading (no one actually gets beheaded, dw-), hypothermia, swearing. a characters passes out due to being too cold.
!unsympathetic Virgil!

Au: Royal au

Words: 1876

👉Requests are open!! :) 👈

Three, well known, soft knocks on the solid oak door caused Remus to wake up, groaning sleepily. The prince (or duke as he liked to be addressed as) sat up against his headboard, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Come in, Dee!" He called out loud enough for the man on the other side of the door to hear him.

Once given permission, Janus opened the door carrying a tray politely in one hand. "Good morning, sir." He spoke, ignoring the way Remus' eyebrows wiggled at the name. Janus turned to the door, waiting for Remus' mother, the Queen, to pass by- her servants hurriedly following her.

Once she'd walked by, he sighed, turning his attention back to Remus. "I hope you know I only call you that because I'd most likely get beheaded otherwise, correct?" He set the tray down on Remus' bedside table, crossing his arms.

"You could call me it all the time if you'd like," Remus flirted shamelessly, loving the way the servant blushed at his words. Janus sighed once again, adjusting his gloves after removing the cloche from the tray. "Respectfully, darling. Please be quiet and take your meds. You're due down for breakfast in five minuets."

"Did- You just call me darling?" Now it was Remus' turn to blush, not expecting Janus to respond to his flirting at all.
He could've sworn Janus' lips tugged into a small smile at that.

The servant hummed and motioned his head towards the tray. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He watched as the blush on the prince's cheeks faded slowly as he took the medication. It was to help with Remus' ADHD, the Queen knew Remus trusted Janus more than any other servant. So she ordered him to always be there with Remus when he took them. Janus didn't mind this at all.

"Breakfast is in 3 minutes. I'll be in the hallway if you need me." Janus spoke, stepping back and making his way over to the door.

"Or you could stay and watch~" Remus smirked, lifting his shirt suggestively. Janus inhaled deeply, praying that something as simple and stupid as that hadn't made him blush. "In your dreams perhaps."

He closed the door, imagining Remus' offended face in his mind as he made his way down to the dining hall.

-small time skip-
>during breakfast<

"Janus? May I speak with you in the kitchen?" One of the other servants, Virgil  whispered into Janus' ear. Janus jumped slightly and turned to face him. "I'm not supposed to leave Remus' side now. You know this." He whispered back. He was stood beside Remus who was sat at the long table, his brother, Roman, sat opposite him. "I said. Now. It'll be quick." Virgil whispered back, more forcefully this time.

Remus had stopped eating by now, focusing on trying to catch what Janus and Virgil were whispering about. Janus had told him before that he and Virgil didn't get along well. They used to be best friends when they were younger. But as soon as Patton and Logan were hired, Virgil became distant, cold and rude towards Janus.

The Duke noticed the tone change in Virgil's voice, turning to look at Janus who'd by now made his way over to Remus. They had only been a few steps away from each other. "I'll be right back. I hope you don't mind." Janus' voice was soft. Too soft. And almost.. shaky? Was he nervous? Scared?

Remus' mind raced at this small detail, a polite cough breaking him from his thoughts. He looked up at Janus, realising he was awaiting permission to leave. "Oh- right. Yeah, you can go. It's alright."

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