☕︎︎When Teasing Backfires

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Tw: fluff-smut, swearing
Au: X
Requested by: SlimeyboiTrashgoblin 💛
Words: 1338

Deceit was led on the couch with his laptop rested on his lap trying to focus on working which is hard to do when your being stared at. "Remuss, what do you want?" The snake-like side looked over at The Duke who was floating in the corner of the room.

Remus didn't answer, instead he walked over to Dee and sat himself on his lap, moving the laptop to one side. "Hey! I wasss using that." Deceit hissed as he watched his boyfriends smile turn into the smirk he knew too well. "That's coolio, I don't care~" Remus shuffled around on Dee's lap. Without warning, Remus started grinding down on him, his smirk growing as he watched Dee gasp and bite his lip.

"R-Remus, I have work to do." Deceit bit his lip harder, refusing to let him win so quickly. Remus giggled and leaned down, kissing and biting at Deceit's neck before licking up his neck to his jawline then snapping his fingers, disappearing.

The snek groaned and looked down at his now hard dicks pressing against his jeans. This carried on for basically the whole day. Every chance he got Remus would use to tease his boyfriend even more, even sneaking up behind Dee when he was on the phone.

After he'd hung up he turned to Remus and pinned him against the wall, pressing his knee between his legs. He watched as Rem gasped and held back a moan, shivering slightly as Dee's lips grazed his own. He whimpered as he felt Deceit's hand travel down to his hips, holding them in place. Remus whined and looked Dee in the eyes, taking in his features before pulling him into a kiss. Dece kissed back momentarily before pulling away just as fast.

"You did this to yourself, sssweetheart.~" Deceit whispered in his ear before nibbling at his ear and sinking out to his room leaving Remus in the same predicament he'd put Deceit in earlier.

Remus bit his lip and followed Dee as he sunk out, correctly guessing where he would be. Deceit turned to face him and growled "You're on thin ice, Re." He leaned against his wall and watched as The Duke thought of a response, his eyes travelling down.

"Oh yeah, what happens if I break that ice, Hm~?" Came the response. Deceit slowly walked towards him noticing that the closer he got, the more Remus' stubbornness faltered.

"I'll show you~" And with that, Remus found himself pinned to the bed, his hands held tightly above his head. He couldn't stop the dark blush that spread across his cheeks as Deceit growled into his ear, "Ssstrip for me and maybe I'll go easy on you~"

Remus did as he was told for once and started undressing as soon as his hands were released. He bit his lip as he watched Deceit remove his cape and then his shirt, revealing his glistening scales that Remus absolutely loved. A cough brought him back from his thoughts and he looked at his boyfriend. "Ssstop sstaring and lie down~" Rem smirked before nodding and laying down, his blush deepening as he watched Deceit slide of his boxers.

Dee climbed back on top of him then began kissing down Remus' neck and his chest before wrapping his forked tongue around his nipple. Remus moaned and bucked his hips up trying to get some more contact. Deceit growled and held his hips down firmly, summoning some lube then lubing up both his dicks. Remus was too busy trying to move his hips to realise what his boyfriend was doing.

That was until Deceit, without warning, thrusted into him watching as Remus threw his head back and moaned loudly. "F-fuck Dee~" He wrapped his arms around Deceit's neck, digging his nails into his back and he began to move. His thrusts began to pick up and became deep and fast, causing Remus to moan louder. But he wanted more. He needed more. "M-more p-please, Master, I n-need it~"

Deceit smirked and wrapped his hand around Remus' neck loosely. "What did you call me, baby boy~?" He teased, slowing his thrusts down slightly which caused his sub to whine and look away. "Answer me and you might just get what you want~"

Rem was sure that his whole face was red by now, he bit his lip before answering. "M-master, please I-I need more~" He gasped as Dee pulled out and quickly slammed back into him, Remus' head once again hitting the pillow as the pleasure increased.

"Look at you being a good boy for me~" His thrusts were faster now, he looked down at his boyfriend and admired the way he looked in that moment. His tongue slightly hanging out, the way his eyes rolled back every time Dee hit his prostate, the way his face glistened from the sweat.

Dee's thoughts were cut off by a loud moan from Remus who pulled him into a lust filled kiss, indicating that he was close. Deceit understood and reached his hand down, beginning to jack him off at the speed of the thrusts.

"A-ah f-fuck, Master~" Rem moaned into the kiss as he released, his eyes rolling back as Deceit released inside him after a few more thrusts.

They stayed in that position for a few seconds more before pulling away from the kiss. "You okay, love?" Dee kissed the his boyfriends cheek as he pulled out, earning another small moan and a whine.

"Mhm, I love you Dee-Dee" Remus replied doing grabby hands asking for a hug. Dee happily obliged and led down, pulling Remus to his chest.

"I love you too, honey." Dee replied, smiling softly. The Trashy Man nuzzled his head into Deceit's neck, nibbling at it gently.

Deceit giggled at the feeling of Remus' moustache tickling his neck, snapping his fingers so they were both cleaned up and dressed in their pyjamas. He pulled a blanket over himself and his lover, carding his fingers through Re's hair, admiring the grey streak. "You'll stay with me forever, right?"

Dee blinked confused at the sudden question but he of course answered honestly, as he always did to Remus. After all, Remus was the only person who Deceit never lied to.

"Of course I will."

"You promise?" Remus smiled against Dee's neck and held his pinky finger out to him.

Deceit chuckled softly and wrapped his little finger around Remus', pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.

"I promise."

ello everyone! two updates in a week? that's unusual! i hope this chapter was good! i'll try and update again sooon!

stay safe, stay hydrated, get some sleep (yes I know I'm a hypocrite) and wash your haaaannndddsss!!!

Ily all! 💕

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