🖤11~ Making up🧡

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Tw: crying and panic attack (please tell me if I missed anything.)
Au: X
Words: 1000

Part 2 of 'Arguments.'

October 11th 2020
20 days until Halloween

"Hey, Janus, you okay-?" Roman pushed the living room door open. He gasped when he saw Janus curled up on the sofa, tears streaming down the snake-like sides' cheeks. Janus was shaking violently, his hands held firmly in his hair as he gasped for air. "Shit. Patton?!" Roman called before slowly making his way over to Janus, not wanting to scare him.

Janus opened one of his eyes and watched Roman's every move, trying to curl into himself more. Within minutes, Patton ran into the room, his eyes widening as he looked over at Janus. "Oh, Kiddo..." He whispered, walking over to Janus who whimpered and looked away.

"Roman?" Patton turned to look at the Prince. "Go get your brother."

Roman played with his sash and shifted where he was stood. "But Patt! That's who upset h-" Roman protested before being interrupted a small, damaged voice.

"P-Please g-go get h-him..." Janus had managed to force himself to speak, his breathing still not stable. Roman nodded and sunk out immediately, rising up in front of Remus.

The Duke jumped in surprise as his brother appeared in front of him, thoughts of hitting Roman over the head again filling his mind. Remus shook his head to try and rid of the twisted thoughts.

"Come with me." Roman held out his hand, still panicking. Remus raised an eyebrow and stared at his hand, his mind once again wandering.

"Why?" Remus sighed and crossed his arms, growing impatient already.

Roman groaned and grabbed Remus' arm, clearly not in the mood. "Janus is upset just, please. Come with me." He was about to sink out when Remus spoke up, stopping him.

"All I'm gonna do is upset him even more. There's no point in me going." Remus looked down and tried to tug his arm back. He didn't want to make Janus anymore upset than he already had.

"Remus. He's having a panic attack. He needs you."

Remus tensed up at this, remembering how bad Janus' attacks could get. He remembered Janus telling him that Remus was the only one that is able to help him though them. Remus nodded and sunk out with his brother.

As soon as they rose up, Remus fought back the urge to run to Janus, remembering to be calm and gentle. He took a small breath and walked over to the snake, kneeling in front of the side, smiling comfortingly. "Hey, sweetheart." Janus blinked away his tears the best he could and looked over at Remus, smiling back shakily.

Remus tilted his head and made sure to keep his voice soft, watching as Patton and Roman left the room. "Can I touch you, Jay Jay?" Once Remus received a small nod, he sat next to Janus on the sofa, pulling Jay to his chest. He wrapped an arm protectively around Janus' waist whilst his other hand reached up to run through his hair.

This seemed to calm Janus down a little. Now his breathing. "Okay, baby snake, can you tell me five things you can see?" Remus kissed away Janus' tears.

"Y-you, wallsss, c-couch, light n h-hands..." Janus shivered and looked down at his hands, remembering that he wasn't wearing his gloves.

Remus smiled and summoned a blanket, wrapping it around Janus before continuing. "Good, now four things you can hear?"

Janus snuggled into the warmth of the blanket and sniffled. "The w-wind, your h-heartbeat, birdsss and rain..."

"You're doing well, honey, now three things you can smell." Remus pressed gentle kisses to Janus' hair as he felt his boyfriend begin to relax in his arms.

"You, cake and air f-freshener.." He buried his face in Remus' shirt, blepping to take in his comforting scent.

Remus blushed at this and smiled fondly, glad that he was helping, despite still feeling guilty. "Two things you can feel?"

"Your hands a-and my clothesss.." Janus took a deep breath as he leaned to Remus' touch, now able to breathe easier.

"Okay, last one, sweetheart. One thing you can taste." Remus ran his fingers across Janus' cheek, listening to his boyfriends now soft breathing.

Janus tilted his head and thought for a few seconds before pulling Remus down by his shirt, licking Remus' lips. "You." The snake-like side looked up at Remus innocently and giggled, definitely feeling better than he did before.

Remus felt his blush deepen. "Awe, I'm happy to see that you're feeling better, Jay." He smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I'm so sorry for the way I acted earlier, you didn't deserve anything that I said to you. I feel so bad knowing that I'm the one who made you that upset." He blinked and looked away momentarily, trying not to tear up from all the guilt.

Janus tilted his head slightly and held Remus' chin between two fingers, making Remus look at him. "It's okay, hun. Honestly. I understand why you were upset ssso please don't apologise. I'm okay now. I love you ssso much, 'Mus."

Remus stared into Janus' eyes as he spoke, shivering at his touch. "I love you too, baby snake." He giggled, watching Janus' face heat up at the nickname. Remus leaned forward slightly and hesitated for seconds before kissing him gently. Janus kissed back desperately, almost immediately deepening the kiss, craving the affection. They pulled away momentarily for air before tilting their heads and pulling each other in for another kiss.

"Eeeeee they're so cute!" Patton squealed from behind the door before he was dragged away by a smiling Roman and a confused as heck Virgil.

no more sad 😌

i am so tires
i went ages without drinking monster but i had one today and I'm mad at myselfffff >:(

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannnddss!!

I love you all. 💞

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