🖤24~Spooky Soundtrack🧡

693 37 21

Tw: none!
Au: human
Words: 496

October 24th 2020
7 days until Halloween 🎃

Ya'll remember 'Beneath the mask'? Well, this is kinda a part two!! :D

Remus walked down the hallway of the castle, admiring the paintings displayed on the walls. Although he'd been visiting Janus for over a year now, the decor of his home still amazed Remus. The sound of music echoed through the castle, as halloween was coming up, most of the music the couple would play was spooky themed.

As Remus made his way into the living room, Janus looked up from his book and smiled. "Hey, sweetheart." Janus set his book down and opened his arms, allowing Remus to sit in his lap.

"Hiya, JayJay, I missed you!" Remus giggled and wrapped his arms around Janus' neck, gently kissing the scales on his cheek.

Janus chuckled fondly and leaned back on the sofa, holding Remus' waist. "It's only been two days, but I missed you too." He rested his head on Remus' shoulder and relaxed, listening to 'Thriller' which was playing on the radio. "How was your walk here, you were safe, right?" Janus spoke up, running his fingers through Remus' messy hair.

"It was good actually and yeah I was safe, hun, no need to worry." Remus leaned to Janus' touch and hummed along to the music. He knew that Janus' experiences with people had caused the snake to become overly protective and cautious when it came to being in public. Janus always worried about not only his own safety but Remus' as well. I mean, who could blame him?

Janus nodded and held Remus closer, sighing under his breath. Remus tilted his head and kissed Janus' beck quickly, trying to rid of the anxious expression displayed on his boyfriends' face. "You okay, love?" Remus asked, cupping Janus' cheeks in his hands and looked into his cloudy eyes.

Janus blinked and rested a hand on Remus', the anxiety in his chest slowly building. "Yeah, I'm okay, my anxiety's just playing up as usual." He smiled and leaned up to kiss him gently, Remus kissing back, his nerves slightly reassured. As they pulled away, Remus stood up, giggling at how fast Janus pouted.

"Aww, you're adorable, c'mere." Remus held out his hand and pulled Janus up, smirking as 'Spooky Scary Skeletons' began to play. Janus giggled and let go of Remus' hand, spinning around elegantly. Remus' smirk grew as they both danced around the living room, one more professional than the other.

They spent the rest of the evening dancing and singing together before flopping back onto the sofa for some late night cuddles. Soon enough, they had both fallen asleep, huddled safely in each other's arms, the spooky soundtrack playing in the background.

I'm sorry that this was shorter than usual! I wrote it while I was out. :p

i hope it was a good chapter tho!

anyways, stay safe, stay hydrated and wash your haaannddsss!!

I love you all. 💕

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