❥Demus Family (2)

673 30 50

Tw: like one curse word, shouting, mentions of past trauma  (please tell me if I missed anything)
Au: X
Words: 1678

Janus groaned as the sound of his alarm clock woke him from his comfortable sleep. He grabbed his phone and pressed 'dismiss' before shoving his head back onto Remus' chest, waking him up in the process. "Well, good morning, snakey." Remus yawned, ruffling his sleepy husband's hair.

"Morning..." Janus looked up and smiled slightly, glancing over at the time. 7:00am. "We need to get Veronica up, it's her first day at ssschool." Reluctantly, Janus got up and snapped himself dressed, too tired to physically get changed. Remus nodded and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of Janus' neck before grabbing his own clothes.

Janus blushed and allowed Remus to change before pulling him in for a kiss. Rem smiled into the kiss, shivering as he felt Janus' hand travel up his shirt to rest on his back. They pulled away after a minute, both panting softly. "I'll go make breakfast and no, I won't poison anything." Remus giggled, watching Janus roll his eyes. "Okay, love." Janus replied, walking out of the room to go wake Veronica up.

He knocked gently on her door and opening it after receiving a tired sounding "You can come in." Veronica sat up and looked over at Janus, smiling nervously. Janus noticed this. "You okay, sweetheart?" He walked over and sat on the edge of her bed, tilting his head slightly.

Veronica nodded slowly and picked at her duvet. "Mhm, just nervously cuz I've never been to an actual school before... we were always taught in the centre." Janus nodded and opened his arms, offering her a hug which was gratefully accepted. "It's okay to be nervous, but I'm sure you'll feel better when you settle in, just like when you came here for the first time." Janus reassured her. Veronica looked up at him and hugged him tighter, her nerves reassured a bit more now.

When everyone was changed, they all sat at the table and ate their breakfast. Janus picked at his, eating around half and then waiting for the others to finish. It was now time to leave and Veronica was stood at the door, holding tightly onto her backpack. "Okay, shall we get going?" Janus asked, grabbing his keys. Veronica nodded, her nerves beginning to return.

"Dad, we gonna leave without you in a minute." She stared at Remus who was still in the living room. "Okay, okay, I'm coming!" Janus rolled his eyes playfully and opened the door.

They walked through the mindscape and arrived at the school after around twenty minutes. Veronica looked at the building and gulped, still holding tightly onto her parent's hands. "You'll be okay, Ver." Remus kneeled down, allowing Veronica to hug him. "If you have any problems, the school can contact us, okay?" Janus reminded her with a reassuring smile. She nodded and hugged them both before walking cautiously into the school building.

"I hope she'll be alright..." Janus said quietly as they walked back home. Remus squeezed his husband's hand and gently kissed his forehead. "She'll be okay, Jan, don't worry."

Veronica's first class wasn't too bad, the worst part was the start, when she had to stand in front of the whole class and say her name. It was now second period, English and Veronica had just walked into the classroom. "Hello! You must be Veronica." A woman (who was way too cheerful for it to be real) greeted Veronica from her computer.

"Yes, miss" Ver nodded, remembering to be polite at all times. "My names Mrs Cooper, go ahead and find a seat." The teacher continued. Veronica looked over at the sea of students who were now staring at her, some even giggling and whispering to each other. She sighed shakily and walked towards the tables. Then, she noticed a girl with dark brown hair, blue eyes, with freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks waving at her. "You can sit next to me if you wanna." The girl spoke up.

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