His Royalty (pt2)

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i haven't updated in ages holy shit- i am so sorry- i don't know if anyone's gonna read this, but if you do- hi! i've missed you all <3

cw/tw: swearing, unsympathetic virgil, manipulation and threat. (pls tell me if i missed anything!)
au: royalty au
words: 3501 (a long chapter to make up for my absence) :>

recap: "Remus, Virgil locked me in the freezer.. And I don't think he planned on letting me out.."

Remus' eyes widened as those words left Janus' mouth, his blood immediately beginning to boil. His eyebrows knitted together, his face displaying a look of anger and confusion. "He what?" He was trying desperately to keep his voice quiet, having learned years ago that Janus was sensitive to loud noises.

Despite this, Janus could sense the anger coming off of Remus and he was almost flattered. "We had an argument yesterday.. about how close you and I are. Virgil thinks it's unprofessional and that I'm not doing my job properly. He wanted to take over my job as your servant and I refused, which he obviously, uhm, did not like very much-" Janus explained, his head resting on Remus' shoulder. It felt nice being this close to Remus, something he'd never had imagined actually happening. Remus was a prince for gods sake. It was just unfortunate their closeness had to come from the incident with Virgil.

Remus was quiet, trying to collect the information Janus had given him. Their relationship wasn't any of Virgil's business, he understood that Virgil worked for the Queen, but that didn't give him the right to be a nosey bastard. It definitely didn't give him the right to do what he did to Janus. He could've killed him. Would he have even cared? Remus blinked, broken from his thoughts by the feeling of Janus shuffling around on his chest. Their eyes met, making both boys blush just slightly.

"We need to tell my mother, Jan."

Janus felt his stomach drop at those words, his nails digging slightly into Remus' shoulder. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't...

>flashback to earlier that day<

Virgil grabbed Janus' arm and dragged him out of the dining hall, leading him through the kitchen into one of the back rooms used for storage. Virgil closed the door behind them, dropping Janus' arm abruptly. "Did what I told you yesterday mean nothing? You're not taking this seriously, are you?" His voice was just above a whisper, laced with anger and annoyance.

"Virgil-" Janus tried to speak, flinching as Virgil raised a finger to signal him to shut up.

"No. Why won't you listen to me? Switch jobs with me. I'll take the risk."

Janus looked at him confused, having only just caught the last part of what Virgil had said. His eyes widened as the realisation dawned on him. He didn't know what he was feeling; anger? betrayal? jealousy? No- He had to keep repressing his feeling for Remus.

"What do you mean 'you'll take the risk'?" Janus' voice raised slightly, reviving a not so gentle shove from Virgil. "You told me yesterday that you wanted to switch jobs with me because you were worried about me. Because you "didn't want me getting hurt" And that was all bullshit?!"

Virgil's eyebrows knitted together in annoyance, glancing over at the door to make sure no one was walking by. "Of course it was! I don't give a shit. He doesn't even like you. He's just using you for your job. That's all you are to him. A servant. Do you really think a prince would like you back? How self absorbed are you?! He only pities you!" Virgil shot back bitterly, walking forward so Janus was backed up against the cold, firm stone of the wall.

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