Luke: you were up all night got no sleep at all to busy thinking about what the haters have said to you and also did to you yesterday that you told no one about until Sierra walked in and sat on the bed and pulled off the blankets and said "so the media was right about this one?" You said "what the fuck did they say now?" Getting up she said "they said you got beat up yesterday why didn't you tell us that?" You said "didn't want you guys to worry about me that's why I've been up here all day." Then Crystal said "well you can't hide up here forever." You said "yes I can and that's what I'm going to do." Kaykay said "do not go back into your habits I'll get Ashton so fast it's not even funny." You said "I'm fine I won't go back into them." Sierra said "then come down and chill with us the one direction boys are here." You goraned and said "you knew that would get me to come down." Kaykay said "yes we did now go shower and come down." You said "will do." And got up to go and shower then you changed before you went down you heard someone throwing rocks at your window you looked out and saw the same girl from yesterday you opened the window and said "what do you want?" She said "I want to finish you off the media needs more." You rolled your eyes and said "no the fuck they don't they don't need more now leave me alone before I call the cops." She laughed and said "please you would never." Then someone said "she won't but I will leave her alone now please cause the cops are on their way already." You turned around and saw Luke the girl was speechless and left you said "thank you." He said "no problem I'll always protect you that's why you gotta tell me these things." He hugged you and you said "I will for now on I didn't want you guys to worry." He said "we'll always worry about you." Then you guys went downstairs and sat next to harry and chilled with them for the rest of the day.
Calum:you were coming home from the shops you were shopping with the girls and haters were awful to you guys the girls didn't seem to be that bothered by it you knew they were same with Amelia Eleanor and maya they were with you too you said "are we not going to Acknowledge the fact that they are following us to our house?" Maya said "all we can do is ignore them until we get home we called the police so they should be here soon to take them away." As the girls were throwing stuff at you guys it was paper or soft things which didn't hurt but the insults did hurt you guys got home and walked inside calum smiled once he saw you you smiled back he said "how was the mall?" The girls said "it was good." You said "yeah it was fun." Calum said "what's wrong?" You said "nothing why?" Ashton said "you seem off." You said "I'm fine it's honestly nothing." Then there was a knock at the door you got it it was the girls you said "the police are coming to get you ." They laughed and said "yeah right you dropped this oh wait I stole it cause you don't need this right." It was the bass you got Calum you tried to get it from her but she wouldn't give it back you said "give it back now I spent all my money on that I swear If you break it I will hurt you." Calum came over and said "give that to me now." The girl did he took it and said "leave before you get arrested." Noticing the police have showed up they left then you guys closed the door you said "thank you so much." He said "anything for you babe and thank you so much for this thank gosh she didn't break it." You said "you're welcome I was about to throw hands at that girl she followed us from the mall." Calum sighed and said "they're not true fans they need to leave you poor girls alone." You said "they do." Then hungout with them for the rest of the day happy that Calum loved his bass.
Michale: you were walking home from the store with Crystal you guys were getting snacks for the others you guys had to go back since the bag broke the first time and ruined all the food then these girls won't leave you alone now they were following you in the store and now home you said without looking at them "leave us alone the cops are coming." They laughed and said "no they're not they should be arresting Crystal not us." You stopped in your tracks and was about to turn around when you heard someone say "yn don't." You turned around and saw Sierra you said "but they just said Crystal deserves to be in jail I'm not letting it slide." Michael then showed up and said "you girls need to leave them alone now and never say that again the cops are right behind you go with them and never come near any of us again." Then they left you said "thank you." He said "no problem no one messes with you or Crystal." You smiled and walked inside and put all the food down and put it all out for everyone.
Ashton: you were falling back into depression and wanting to cut again cause of the haters cause they were so curle to you and it was getting wrose and wrose you were about to just give everything up and break your promise to Ashton but you couldn't do that and didn't want too as they were saying these things to you you broke and said "please stop this affects me so much and I know that's what you guys want and that's what you guys got just know that you guys have put me through so much pain it's not even funny anymore I literally want to commit right now right here because of you guys how does that make you guys feel?!?!! Does it make you guys feel better about yourself?!?!" They were silent then someone said "I think you girls should leave right now and never come back or near her again or speak to her ever again you guys should be ashamed of yourself for ever calling yourself fans." You turned around and saw Ashton and ran to him he hugged you tightly and said "everything will be ok." You nodded then headed inside you just let it all out when you saw harry you went over to him and just cried Ashton explained everything to them as you slowly cried yourself to sleep happy Ashton came in to save the day and you knew a nap would help you.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating