Luke: you were walking home from harry styles concert and then someone grabbed you and through you in the back of a car you tried to scream but couldn't then they blindfold your eyes too. They carried you into a house then took off the blindfold and the one from your mouth it was the girl that slapped you at the club she said "now I know what you're going to say I thought we were good well actually we're not because the boys hate me now." You said "and kidnapping me is going to make them love you?" She said "no but now I don't know what to do if I let you go you're going to tell the police and the boys and I'll be the one In trouble." You said "well if you don't let me go you'll be in trouble too you're already in trouble." She said "excatly why I should kill you right?" Then you heard someone say "I wouldn't kill her If you don't want to go to jail even longer then you're going to be in jail for." It was Sierra crystal and kaykay she said "well I have all you girls now so the boys have to show up now." Then you heard someone say "oh we're here but I don't think you want us here we brought some people for you." She saw the police and said "this isn't over." They untied you and you said "I think it is." Then the police took her out Luke said "you ok?" And looked you over you said "yeah I'm fine she didn't hurt me just scared me that's all." Then you guys headed out of the house the paramedics said you were fine then you were able to go home you got home and fell right to sleep since now it was 3 in the morning.
Ashton: you decided to run away because ashton was annoying you and you needed to get out of the house you were just running to who knows where then someone said "you're not allowed to be out here." It was a fan you said "you're not either so I guess we're both breaking the law here." She said "don't come near me I don't know if you have to virus or not." You said "I don't know if you have the virus or not either so don't come near me either." Then someone said "I think both of you should head back to your houses." You turned around and saw the girls you walked over to them and said "that means the boys are with you too." Then you heard someone say "hell yeah we are what were you thinking?!?!" You said "I was trying to get away from you." Luke said "by running away I don't think that was the smartest on your part." You said "I didn't know what else to do." Then Calum said "well the safest thing to do now is go back with Ashton and kaykay." You said "you're right I'm sorry." Ashton said "just don't let this happen again ok?" You said "yeah." Then you guys headed back to his house.
Calum: you were walking back from the store with your friends when someone took you you tried to scream the guy said "that won't help you." It was your ex you said "what do you want?" He said "I want you back and if you're not going to take me then I'll just take you myself." You said "don't think my boyfriend isn't coming after me." He laughed and said "bitch you don't have one you stalk those poor boys they hate you." You said "no I don't and no they don't they love me more than you ever did." He said "you toally do and the poor girls too they would never be friends with you and yeah sure they do." You rolled your eyes and said "no I don't they're my friends they love me to death." Then you guys got to his house he brought you in and said "you're not leaving." You said "not yet I'm not." Then he locked the door you escaped from the window and saw the boys and girls Calum said "thank gosh we found you are you hurt?" He caught you and looked you over You said "no my ex is just stupid." Then you guys left and headed back to your house.
Michael: you were lost you don't even know how it happened but you were a lost girl you sighed trying to find somewhere where your phone would work you ran into someone you said "sorry." Crystal said "there you are where were you?" You said "I sort of got lost." She chuckled and said "only you." Then you guys headed over to the boys crystal said "she got lost." Michael said "only you would get lost in a place you've been to many times." You said "I know right like only me it would happen too." Then you guys headed home and chilled for the rest of the day.

FanfictionHey guys here's part 3 of brother sister moments and Imagines which is when you're their best friend or dating